Monday, July 4, 2016


"Moreover, creation came about through Chesed, as it is written, "The world is built through Chesed."
[From Tanya,]

What is "chesed"? Chesed in the Hebrew language is a word that describes LOVINGKINDNESS.

What is it about lovingkindness that it is the one characteristic that was necessary to build an entire world with it?

Lovingkindness are the words and/or actions you get from someone who cares about you, to cause you to feel nurtured and cared for by her/him. These kind words so heal the soul and take away your troubles that they can be the strength upon which the entire world was built and created. Love expressed in words for someone who is ailing and asks for this care is the solution to the healing of one's problems. This lovingkindness is what is necessary to take away hurtful emotional states caused because there are no kind words/actions from others.

These words, this "chesed" is like a bandage, or like a tefillin as it brings strength to your arm, and as the Hebrew words we chant together in song mend feelings of aloneness, these actions of chesed from others brings one great strength, so we can become strong enough to do works of creation.

Yes, it was G-d's "chesed" or love that was His power to build the world. After He built all things, and they were created with His love, His kindness, His "chesed," G-d said "And it was good." All things are created by G-d, and all things were created with His kindness, and all things have the potentiality of becoming good or kind.

With this love we see in G-d, we can have this love within ourselves, we can call upon our own chesed and bring love and joy to others, to use kind words, to heal someone who is in need with our lovingkindness.

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