Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Sweetly singing words of lovingkindness, breathing softly into someone's ear by phone or in person, sweetly singing words that will excite them, that will bring them peace, words that are meant to soothe and cause ease, a state of mind of love and kindness, a togetherness of lovingkindness, as we say in Hebrew to be in a state of "chesed," and to have love is to have "ahavah."

Letting your loved ones know how much you love them by choosing words to say or sing to them that will help them.

Words like: have encouragement, good job, wonderful, beautiful, lovely, cheerful, great, incredible, terrific, sounds good, keep up the good work, you can do it, I love you, need some help? I am there for you, I am backing you up 100%, I wish only the very best for you, I am praying for you everyday, you are a success, I will help you, everything you ever will need I will help you to obtain, I pray for The Lord to keep you safe, happy, and healthy.

Singing these words in the Hebrew language that will bring joy and love to your loved ones, sweetly and melodically singing, singing because you are in love, singing because you are in love with The Almighty One G-d of Sarah and Abraham Who is everywhere, singing to make your loved ones a success, to empower them, to bring them strength as you feel your strength from your love of The Lord.

Seeing The Lord in every visual object within your eyesight and hearing His loving sounds in the songs of the birds, even hearing His loving words in the silence, being in love with Him and having Him love you so you can love others.

To be a friend is to have a friend.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


The wisdom of having "mindfulness." What is this mindfulness?

To be full of mind, to mind your p's and q's, to be mindful of others and to show them respect, to be mindful not to deliberately hurt others, to be mindful to know that there is a repercussion to all transgressions, to have mindfulness that ill will will eat you up alive from the insides of your stomach spreading outwards into your limbs, to know that if you are not mindful of others your manna falling from Heaven will turn into snowflakes and end up freezing your tongue not satisfying your hunger pangs.

To be aware of those who say they are "mindful" but actually have no minds at all, not having a capacity to be "full." To realize there are people who act mindfully but in actuality have a mind that can do no good, having a mind that cannot think, a mind that cannot help others. Saying you have a mind and are "mindful" but not using your mind to do tikkun olam, not trying to better the world or save someone who would benefit by an idea you have to help them. Having a mind that goes bad, a mind that gets stale and lazy, a mind that is not mindful of others or mindful of yourself.

Mindfulness. Having a mind that is full of ideas. Having the NESS that is necessary to use your mind for the benefit of society as a whole and to aid an individual so they too can use their minds as tools not weapons.

Having a "sharp" mind, a mind that is able to see an enemy coming and to know an enemy from a friend. Using this sharpness of mind to calculate mathematical problems to count the sum of a financial income, not using this sharpness in a blade of a knife except to peel an orange. Being able to sharply see without cutting your finger what you can do in the world to be of some aid in solving world problems.

Continuing to whittle a mindful sharp-edged idea and to use your ideas to improve the minds of others, to create mindfulness in others because you freely share your ideas. To be mindfully aware of what you can do to add to the fullness of an otherwise empty pot. Not to have an empty mind. To see the fullness of a cup half filled with water, not its emptiness.

To use mindfulness to keep yourself in peace and cause others to have peace because they feel your peace as it transfers from your mind to theirs.

Using a great mind to do great things. Having had a great day because you used your great mind. In this way having mindfulness as your daily goal and to achieve it. 

Monday, July 18, 2016


Do we need "proof" of G-d? Do we need concrete evidence that a higher power, a power higher than ourselves exists? Or are we so arrogant to think that we as mortals are the highest power in the universe, the only thinking beings, the only life source that counts and has significance and importance?

Do we as humans claim that there is no other existence of any other being, not real or spiritual that exceeds us in capabilities? To think you are G-d Himself, that there is no G-d outside of you that blows the leaves of trees in the wind. To think that if you yourself want these leaves to blow, that you have this G-d-like power all to yourself to be the one to move these leaves? To be you yourself the source of the very wind itself?

To so love the world and everyone in it, that you can humble yourself to take a bow to the east, to nod your head down in acceptance of a power that exists outside of you, and that is also within you, a power that keeps you going, that causes you to love and to give, a power that takes your hand and leads you on a righteous path, a path with commandments like "Do not murder" that are in The Torah. To loose your arrogant selfishness and to extend your hand to G-d as He reaches and takes it and helps you across the street as being the cane you need to take another step.

To see G-d in everything that has beauty and to see Him in the ugliness too as we are then encouraged to rise above it.

To feel G-d as another being, a power Who created the skies when you look into the blue skies.

To never be alone even when you are not with human companionship because this power, this power we call G-d, is yours to talk to, yours to love, anytime and every time you need someone to love you back, especially when there is no one there to love you except Him.

To therefore always be loved when in human company or not. To feel Him loving you when you have a moment of happiness because you attribute the cause to be a gift to you from G-d.

When you believe in G-d, you always have Someone to love Who loves you back and therefore you will always have peace.

Monday, July 11, 2016


"Food nourishes the body, but the body needs water in order to absorb the nutrients in the food. Similarly, the “food” of the soul is the Torah and its “water” is the Torah’s ability to influence all facets of our personalities, all types of people, and all aspects of life."

How can the Torah have the ability to influence people and what does it influence people to do?

The Torah tells us to obey Commandments, like to not have a relationship with a "ghost," but instead what we can do is honor our ancestors. We cannot connect to spirits or raise the spirits from the dead.

What is a ghost? A ghost is a spirit of someone who is deceased.

We are not to worship the deceased instead of worshipping a One True G-d and we are not to raise a dead man's ghost to be the status of a god.

We are not to put a ghost before our One Almighty G-d to hide G-d's influence for us to be good, to do good, to follow 613 Commandments. Putting a dead ghost god before our One G-d Almighty will destroy His abilities to help you. Instead of having the protective peaceful powers of an Almighty One G-d, you have a relationship with a dead ghost god as your "friend" and in being your friend you must reduce him in his powers to becoming your equal so you do not have a friend who overpowers you. But in reducing him to your equal, his powers to protect and to love you are then reduced. And what you then have is no god at all.

The food of the Torah are the chapters of the Torah that teach us not to disobey The Torah's rules. Not to take on a dead ghost and call him from the dead and not to worship him.

The food of the Torah also says to not worship an image or sculpture. To not take this dead ghost god and to not create an image of  him so what you have is not a god but an image that you are worshipping. To not make a solid idol like of a cross that you must physically have in your possession so you can think of your dead ghost god as being real as this cross is real because you can touch it.

Instead, what we are commanded to do is to have an imagination. To imagine G-d as being real and as being real and all around you, not just in an image of a man with a beard, and not just on a cross, not seeing this dead ghost god only in crosses and in pictures, but to be able to feel a One Almighty G-d Who is everywhere and is everything.

Not to limit your perception of G-d to instead be only a dead ghost, this ghost comes from a body of a corpse that is eaten by maggots. There is no such thing as a body that  rises above the Earth in magic flight as supposedly being taken up by its Father. This defies the laws of nature we know to be truths as scientists. And to not believe the untruth that a female can give birth to a son (Son of God) without being impregnated by human sperm cells.

So, to have this "belief" of untruths furthers the deceit we become engulfed in when we disobey the Commandments that forbids us from worshipping ghosts.

That is why we eat the food and drink the water of The Torah and obey the 613 Commandments that forbids the worship of ghosts and instead gives us a One Almighty G-d Who we can imagine. In using our imagination to aid our perception we also use our senses: to see, feel, hear, touch, and smell a One True Almighty G-d named HASHEM.

HASHEM means "The Name" but it is not the name of a ghost, therefore we can imagine Him as a power that is everywhere and in everything. Our entire world and universe thus becomes a holy place and we become holy as its inhabitants as we feel G-d everywhere including within ourselves.

Friday, July 8, 2016


"For the underlying purpose of all the contractions is to condense the light, in order to enable it to become enclothed within the vessels of the Ten Sefirot [of the World of Atzilut].
These “vessels” assume the specific form of wisdom or kindness. By contrast, the divine light that permeates these vessels is essentially simple. When, through tzimtzum, the vessels come into being and the light clothes itself within them and becomes fused with them, wisdom and kindness become one with G-d."
[, The Tanya]
A vessel, an external object, a cup to fill with water, this vessel cup to use pure water to wash one's hands. A vessel as a luxury being silver or gold. A vessel to scoop up running water, to hold it in your hands, to still moving waters, to take a firm hold of, to grip, to change the vessel from your left hand to your right, to have two handles one for each hand, to not just use water from a faucet, to not be lazy.

To have a vessel to convert running water into still water, into peaceful water, and to then move this water again out of the vessel at your command with the guidance of The Divine, pouring it lovingly over each hand like a waterfall in the wilderness that caresses the rocks below in rushing white water rapids.

A vessel that is the Torah Prophet Jonah's gourd, a vessel that is hollowed out, picked from a plant that provided shade, a vessel from green life, Jonah's gourd that he loved and cherished.
To touch water to every part of your hands, to include the wrists, to pray and recite the Hebrew blessing, to be thankful to G-d for His gift to you of clean hands, to feel love in your spirit after you clean your hands, to feel "chesed," to feel lovingkindness from this natural act. Water spilled two or three times over each hand to repeat this act that feels so good!

To learn from nature: To be like a beaver in his river: building a dam, washing his hands, and washing his food.
To raise your hands high above your head as you pray! To offer tasks to G-d from clean hands, to have a clean spirit, to be able to love and to give without deceit, with cleanliness, with purity of heart, with good intentions.

Clean hands; clean heart; clean spirit.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


"The sluggard is afraid of meeting a lion in the streets, saying he will be killed by this lion!"
[The Proverbs]

Looking this way and that, afraid to cross a street, having come across this lion before, hearing roaring in the wind when it is actually only the chirping of birds, seeing lions on your path not venturing into a lion's den, imagining a lion's den when there is only a place of comfort, no lions at all, going into the dens of lions and coming out unscathed, Daniel being a man of honor, stuffing swords into the mouths of lions, having a shield that reflects their bite, going again and again into this lion's den being where you as the lions get your food, stealing food out of the mouths of the lions, being fed before them.

Seeing a lion who appears as a lion but is only a lamb, not to fear the lamb or the lion, to continue to go out into the streets meeting or not meeting a lion, streets empty of lions, not even a lion to imagine.

Knowing the difference between a lion and a lamb, not to be a tasty morsel for lions who pretend they are lambs.

To see a lion and to not be affected, to ignore the roar of a lion, to hear the roar and to deflect it, to not be game, to not play their game, to be the slayer of a lion who is just a lamb. To see everyone as being lions but to hear them all cooing not roaring, to know a real lion and to avoid him, to ignore a lion as he scratches his nails, to not be in the path of lions as they stampede.

To instead be a lion to those who scare you as lions, to roar when it is time to roar, and to ignore when it is time to ignore. To be a lion who lays down with a lamb and to feel its softness and to not worship this lamb. To not worship anyone who protects a lamb, to not use the lamb as a reason to disobey 613 Commandments.

To be this lion, to not be a sluggard to be afraid of lions, to not lock your doors and stay inside for fear of this lion, to be as brave as a lion and as soft as a lamb.

To be the leader of the pack, to love lions, to not fear lions, to be a lion and to be a lamb. 


Married men, hitched, hooked, cared for, nurtured, having a sweetheart at home, sharing the responsibilities of a household, earning money, childcare and childrearing, pushing the stroller when their wife tires, helping to change diapers, not deceiving of single women, not interested in a false relationship, Shabbats reserved for their wives and family, not to try to fool, having an important married relationship with legal boundaries, taking it seriously, not to cheat, sincerity withheld for one's wife and only for her, telling her she is special, not to have wandering eyes, a man and a wife who love each other, a man who loves his wife, a man who does not trick others, a man who does not wink except at children, a man who does not try to cause his wife worry, a man who takes the 613 Commandments in obedience, a man who reserves all his affections for his wife and children, a family man, a man who wants his children to succeed, a man who does not play around, a man who has no false intentions, a man who prays to G-d, a man who wants his children to have Bar/Bat Mitzvot, a man who reserves his commitment for his marriage, a man who wants a woman to succeed as his wife and she also feels the same way about him, a man who has integrity and nobility, a man who promises his wife and delivers his promises.

A man and woman, a husband and wife, who are one. Each being together as one unit in wholeness and both in love under One G-d.

Monday, July 4, 2016


"Moreover, creation came about through Chesed, as it is written, "The world is built through Chesed."
[From Tanya,]

What is "chesed"? Chesed in the Hebrew language is a word that describes LOVINGKINDNESS.

What is it about lovingkindness that it is the one characteristic that was necessary to build an entire world with it?

Lovingkindness are the words and/or actions you get from someone who cares about you, to cause you to feel nurtured and cared for by her/him. These kind words so heal the soul and take away your troubles that they can be the strength upon which the entire world was built and created. Love expressed in words for someone who is ailing and asks for this care is the solution to the healing of one's problems. This lovingkindness is what is necessary to take away hurtful emotional states caused because there are no kind words/actions from others.

These words, this "chesed" is like a bandage, or like a tefillin as it brings strength to your arm, and as the Hebrew words we chant together in song mend feelings of aloneness, these actions of chesed from others brings one great strength, so we can become strong enough to do works of creation.

Yes, it was G-d's "chesed" or love that was His power to build the world. After He built all things, and they were created with His love, His kindness, His "chesed," G-d said "And it was good." All things are created by G-d, and all things were created with His kindness, and all things have the potentiality of becoming good or kind.

With this love we see in G-d, we can have this love within ourselves, we can call upon our own chesed and bring love and joy to others, to use kind words, to heal someone who is in need with our lovingkindness.