What is Jacob's Ladder? It is the connection between Paradise (or Heaven) and Earth. It is evidence that miracles appear on Earth and that angels visit us on Earth from Heaven as messengers from G-d to speak to us in the name of G-d as they did with Jacob. This connection is made through prayer and t'filah, to have an intimate relationship connecting with G-d who is above.
To do on Earth as it is done in Paradise, the Ladder brought a connection of the joys of Paradise to Earth, the connection was made possible by praying and by working an honest hard living as Jacob did for Laban, then having the material means to be married (as Jacob was to Laban's daughters Rachel and Leah). This is a ticket to eternal life, you will reach Paradise when you die just like Jacob did when he retired from his work with Laban and he then reached The Holy Land.
The Jacob's Ladder represents our reward, which is Paradise on Earth, which is the ability to feel the joys of success after being gainfully employed, saving and investing our money, and passing our wealth down as an inheritance to our children.
Whose money was it? Was Jacob's money that he earned from his father-in-law Laban, Laban's money or Jacob's money? Laban had the righteous attitude that "what is mine is yours and what is yours is yours." Even though Laban tried to swindle and cheat Jacob, he paid him his earnings and they made a pact that Jacob would keep Laban's daughters as his wives and keep the money he earned as Laban's employee. "What is mine is yours."
Laban was a righteous employer and also a good father, although he sold off his daughters to be wives of Jacob's in exchange for Jacob's labor. This was recognized as a transgression against the rights of women and now the Torah has a commandment against this marrying of sisters and against taking more than one wife, and this became Jewish Law.
The Jacob's Ladder is about climbing to the top of a ladder of righteousness, working hard for a living, climbing rung by rung, being promoted in a business from worker to supervisor, and supporting a wife and children, and also being an employee of a family business. If we are in a family business as was Jacob, one needs to respect your employer as a business superior and, if he is your father-in-law as was Jacob's, respect him in his role as the father of your wife and grandfather of your children as well as being your boss. We must give our employer this respect and work hard for him, even though he as a mortal is imperfect as was Laban imperfect as he wanted to cheat Jacob.
We must focus and pray to G-d for this ability to be a good employee and to work hard in our life even if we are working for someone who is like Laban. We give tzeddakah before davening and these are our earnings from our job, and we pray to continue our careers to continue giving our money to charity and to support ourselves and our children. This is all inspired by the angels, inspired by prayer. We become one with G-d and bond with G-d, and then come down the ladder into the world of action, a world on Earth.
Climb the ladder of success, the Jacob's Ladder, and then you like Jacob will reach The Holy Land and be greeted by angels when you die. Grow old, retire and then enjoy the rewards of your employment that will be the inheritance of your many children and grandchildren.
To do on Earth as it is done in Paradise, the Ladder brought a connection of the joys of Paradise to Earth, the connection was made possible by praying and by working an honest hard living as Jacob did for Laban, then having the material means to be married (as Jacob was to Laban's daughters Rachel and Leah). This is a ticket to eternal life, you will reach Paradise when you die just like Jacob did when he retired from his work with Laban and he then reached The Holy Land.
The Jacob's Ladder represents our reward, which is Paradise on Earth, which is the ability to feel the joys of success after being gainfully employed, saving and investing our money, and passing our wealth down as an inheritance to our children.
Whose money was it? Was Jacob's money that he earned from his father-in-law Laban, Laban's money or Jacob's money? Laban had the righteous attitude that "what is mine is yours and what is yours is yours." Even though Laban tried to swindle and cheat Jacob, he paid him his earnings and they made a pact that Jacob would keep Laban's daughters as his wives and keep the money he earned as Laban's employee. "What is mine is yours."
Laban was a righteous employer and also a good father, although he sold off his daughters to be wives of Jacob's in exchange for Jacob's labor. This was recognized as a transgression against the rights of women and now the Torah has a commandment against this marrying of sisters and against taking more than one wife, and this became Jewish Law.
The Jacob's Ladder is about climbing to the top of a ladder of righteousness, working hard for a living, climbing rung by rung, being promoted in a business from worker to supervisor, and supporting a wife and children, and also being an employee of a family business. If we are in a family business as was Jacob, one needs to respect your employer as a business superior and, if he is your father-in-law as was Jacob's, respect him in his role as the father of your wife and grandfather of your children as well as being your boss. We must give our employer this respect and work hard for him, even though he as a mortal is imperfect as was Laban imperfect as he wanted to cheat Jacob.
We must focus and pray to G-d for this ability to be a good employee and to work hard in our life even if we are working for someone who is like Laban. We give tzeddakah before davening and these are our earnings from our job, and we pray to continue our careers to continue giving our money to charity and to support ourselves and our children. This is all inspired by the angels, inspired by prayer. We become one with G-d and bond with G-d, and then come down the ladder into the world of action, a world on Earth.
Climb the ladder of success, the Jacob's Ladder, and then you like Jacob will reach The Holy Land and be greeted by angels when you die. Grow old, retire and then enjoy the rewards of your employment that will be the inheritance of your many children and grandchildren.
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