Thursday, November 5, 2015


Erasing family conflicts and family adversity with love stories from the Torah, keeping goodness everywhere and living life as a celebration of the righteousness of G-d and how He is present in all places. When the stones are flying and the lightening hits to destroy, HASHEM can be found in the glistening shininess of a single raindrop that falls on your lips to moisten your mouth and ease your thirst. Yes, HASHEM is everywhere, in every raindrop, in every child's face as it is because of Him that we have reincarnation and no one ever really dies, but lives on in the bodies of the newborn.

We have life everywhere, and death cannot exist as a state to cripple us, we miss our dead ancestors but can see them in every good thing, as goodness abounds everywhere if we look for it, and goodness comes upon us even when we are not looking. Goodness is that violin screaming out of a video on YouTube that we hear, it is the crunching sound of colorful autumn leaves under our shoes, it is the sock that covers our foot so we are not barefoot and cold.

Goodness is being thankful for one friend, for someone who listens to us when we grieve, someone who bows with us to G-d, someone who feels our pains but does not let them destroy world peace, someone who sings a Hebrew song with you, someone who davens for your health and welfare, someone who knows G-d as deeply as you do, and feels all the pains you feel, but survives with you so together you both can see a new day and rejoice in it.

"Love Your Neighbor." It is that easy.


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