My advice for this afternoon? Keep the lively dance of Hava Nagila always in your step: hum it, sing it, remember dancing in a string carrying a Torah scroll round and round, remember the joyousness of the Jewish holiday Simchot Torah all year round.
Remember the Israeli flags flowing, blowing gently in the wild winds, in a mirror-like reflection of the bright bluishness of the deep sapphire living oceans and the pure whiteness of the fluffy candy-like clouds overhead.
Yes, sing Hava Nagila, whisper it, whistle it, hum it, chant it. Swirl round and round, keep in step with other dancers, tossing off hardships upwards towards the Heavens to be resolved by G-d, raise red kosher wine glasses to a loud shout of L'Chaim! forever making merry to the holy State of Israel--the one and only--THE Promised Land.
Have a merriness in your heart, keep worrisome thoughts at bay, let nothing phase you. It is all about the rejoicing of Shalom Aleichem, a singsong in your heart and thought of joy in your mind. Living in song and walking always to a beat according to a melody on your lips vibrating and shaking away all cares like with a lulav on Sukkot.
My dearest song Hava Nagila!--O' how I love you!
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