Friday, October 14, 2016


Image result for GHOSTS ON SUKKOT

To not expect or solicit kind words from others as your encouragement to make it through each day. To not expect a parent or sibling to show you respect or boost your morale. Instead of relying on a brother when you are in dire need of feeling the approval of others, rely instead on a friend. A person who has no blood ties and is not in a competition with you to be the first one or the best one or to be Mommy's "little girl." Not to ask a family member for support when they themselves are dried out and burnt out. To not be the one to be in need of their "unconditional" love that you are dependent on, and you continue to ask for it, but then, find that the wells are dry.

Look instead to G-D to be the One to supply you with what you need and require for your daily support, and not be dependent on support from a mortal who errors and who cannot give you what you need.

Petition G-D in a personal prayer, just from you to Him, and ask Him to fulfill your needs, to even go beyond fulfilling your needs and to even fulfill your most earnest desires. To not depend on mortals who have not the power or ability to be there for you, to look to G-D instead Who is everywhere, His goodness being just a smile away, instead of asking for your cup to be filled, to use G-D's love to fill the cup of your neighbor's whose cup is empty. Not needing them to thank you for your mitzvoth instead to give anonymously so only G-D is the One Who knows that you have given generously, not to embarrass those who receive your charity.

After asking G-D to be there for you and to sustain your efforts with His constant strength and kindness, and to receive His love, as His beloved one, to feel His presence in your environment wherever you happen to be.

To love the color GOLD and to then see this color in the trees in your back or front yard, to be supplied with so much gold as it is the color of every one of thousands of leaves on these trees, to turn each golden leaf into a spirit as it then falls from these trees, and to honor these spirits in these leaves as being symbols of the holy spirits of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. To then add your own deceased family relatives to this list of spirits with whom you can connect.

To soon be in a Sukkah on the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot and each day of this Holiday to welcome another holy spirit of the Prophets and Prophetesses with your personal family members into this Sukkah with you to be in a place of richness, even though just in a hut, to be in this poor hut called a Sukkah but to be surrounded with the emotional richness of the constant love of those who mean the most to you, to be always nurtured by the greatest of spirits from The Torah and by your deceased family, to be surrounded in this Sukkah by your true friends.

To have this love and nurturing on this Jewish Holiday of Sukkot as you attract those who love you and those who you love.

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