Gaining/losing pounds around your midriff, peeling off pounds one at a time, one day at a time, turning around at the waist, wasted calories not heat or energy around your waist.
Climbing up upon a standing weight scale once a month, watching the pounds drip off like water after a bath, feeling your once-too-tight pants bagging in the back, pulling up trousers as they fall, tightening a belt buckle on a closer notch, summertime's around the corner, bathing beauties of muscles not fat.
Avoiding that extra chocolate chip cookie, removing one piece of bread from your sandwich, scraping off the jelly eating only the peanut butter. Choosing leafy greens over pizza slices, craving salads instead of cakes.
The numbers going down, losing a few pounds consistently every month. Exercising everyday with long walks, playing basketball, tossing a Frisbee to a dog in the park, climbing up the ladder of a children's slide to enjoy sliding down as does your kid.
Feeling a bitter cold blast of wind that causes you torque as you fight against it, using more energy, using more calories, a body that fights the life of a sluggard, feeling your high boots getting tighter as your leg calf muscles get firmer.
Feet that can carry you everywhere, not to be dependent upon a car or sleigh or boat, to beat the heat in long steady strides of strong legs, to feel then as if in flight, to be as light as the feather from a bird falling from the sky.
Having a body of which you are proud, a body that shows off your work in the gym, a body that craves and eats holy green foods, to shun the afternoon snack, to be in control of your hunger cravings and to be the one in control of snack urges.
Sipping that extra glass of pure filtered drinking water instead of popping a chocolate candy. Filling up with liquid hydration instead of loaves of bread.
Not to be called a glutton, avoiding being a pig as you also never eat pork. Being the one to open your mouth or to not, to tell your teeth to or to not take a bite.
Earning their second look as you pass them by with a body like a magnet that attracts all eyes. A body with grace and good looks, the sleekness of a cheetah, the strength of a bull. A body with a mind to match, good looks and good thoughts, a winner of prizes in every contest.
Having everything it takes, and putting it all to good use. Body, mind, head and heart. All perfectly balancing with the ease of a stork who rests on one leg. Being the great Huron who then flies away with the fish in its mouth, never to be without the bait that wins the fish.
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