Sunday, March 20, 2016


How to include Jewish meditation in and with all that you do, in and with all of your everyday activities.

Breathe the Shema, have the SH sound on your tongue as the wind goes into your lungs, and keep the prayer in all your thoughts, as saying the word Shekinah with the whisper of the SH sound again, move your body in sways according to the natural rhythm you develop as this SH sound becomes a prayer of meditation that travels in and out of your thoughts, in and out of your mind.

Feel a breeze as it blows through the trees and let it chill you on your skin in stimulation as you feel drums beating and violins playing, have Klezmer Jewish meditative music in you and with you, letting go of the material and being only completely in the spiritual.

Exhale the word Yah, each breath you suck in as Adonai and each breath you exhale as Yah. Letting go of all negative thoughts, all evil, as you exhale in a gasp. Having a newness after being forgiven by G-d for a transgression with every breath you inhale, and an acceptance and comfort after every breath exhaled. Bowing your head after an exhalation.

Keep in your walking step a natural bowing and shifting from foot to foot. Have a mantra in your mind, a word in Hebrew that you want to center on, like chesed for lovingkindness and then as you hum or say it to yourself, think of acts of lovingkindness that you can perform for other individuals.

Speak aloud these acts of lovingkindness, integrate them into your body and mantra, feel the joy of a reward as a result, but not a reward from a mortal, instead a reward from G-d. Feel the gift of His love inside your body and flowing in song on your tongue, in your every step. Having only G-d's love as your reward, feeling deeply loved with an unconditional love from the Divine.

Visualize an image of G-d, but knowing G-d is imageless. Instead see G-d's name as written in Hebrew on a Torah scroll, see these letters: the yod, hey, vav, hey, in your mind as you see G-d. See the letters of the Hebrew alphabet shining brilliantly, miraculously in metallic white, gold, silver, and bronze colors. A miracle like a hot wired burning bush! See the brightness of G-d as these hot passionate flames in your mind are dancing, and let them warm, calm, excite, and soothe you.

Have the hydration of water accompany these hot flames, dousing the flames when they get out of hand, controlling the fire with water, splashing water upon your body, purely, washing your hands, singing and raising your dripping wet hands high into the sky to be touched by G-d as you reach to touch a cloud.

Raising The Torah and imbedding the Covenant deep into your soul, as deeply as it is etched into the stone tablets of Moses, your Covenant firmly gripped in your hands as you raise The Torah Scroll high into the air like a flag, moving it with the freedom of a flying bird.

Keeping a bass tonal beat in each sure step, singing in soprano.

Walking with integrity, feeling nobleness, appreciating the peace of this everyday meditation, having it in your heart and on your tongue, in your foot, lovingly, everyday of the week.

Sharing this peace and love with others and changing the world this way!

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