Friday, March 4, 2016


"Hillel replied, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is but commentary..." []

Yes, if there is something you hate that others do to you or say to you, doubly do not ever say it or do it to anyone else. Avoid doing it as if it were The Plague, keep a bridle on your tongue, feel the heart of the person with whom you are talking to, and say only words of lovingkindness. Words that do not hurt, or scare them, or cause them any discomfort at all. Let them talk and if they use words that hurt, let the words fling off your chest armor and shield like repellent raindrops, falling to your feet and not wetting you in anyway. Do not respond to hurtful words with hurtful words. Bridle your mouth, do not act arrogant when someone else is, you have the upper hand this way. You did not slip up with your words, but they did with theirs. You then come out completely pure and clean and committed no transgression. They however did commit a transgression and so they must ask forgiveness to clean themselves, but you are still pure and clean, and have no reason to regret or be sorry like they do.

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