Waiting eagerly for a kind word, anticipating an endless river of tears, giving a smile to get a smile, appealing to them for a grain of sugar, a treat, a reason to be honest, a reason to receive honesty, a path of wisdom, a word of holiness, a body to sway with a nearby spirit, a calling from the depths of the sea, a sandcastle that becomes home, a puddle that is a swimming pool, filtered water from an outdoor fountain, clean hands clean heart.
Both hearts beating, one wants to beat instead of the other, stealing food from mother's plate, not being fed, no windows shining light, enclosed between four dark walls, in a basement, not feeding or drinking, fasting, suffering, waiting to feel darkness becoming light again.
A new life, a new attitude, an angel becoming a companion, a friend in him, a softness of wings as he touches you, turning into gold, becoming a winner, having peace in your heart. Forgiving and knowing the truth. Having an answer, not lying, not being lied to, no one showing pretenses, no disguises or evil, accepting each other—a kiss on the mouth.
A shoulder rub, holding hands, tickling, touching and loving. Darkness transformed before one's very eyes—a candle flame lit, Shabbat a day of rest coming tonight and tomorrow, keeping it together till then, resting in routine, being with G-d all day, a day of peace. No longer thirsting, will be drinking, will no longer be wanting, will be satisfied, will no longer be eager, will be sated, will not be looking, will have found.
Reading The Psalms' words of
truth, words of realness becoming an iron suit of armor. A knight in
the night on a dark horse riding on a familiar path—no pot holes,
sure-footed, horseshoes pounded in solidly nail by nail. Not walking
barefoot and not being without shoes, having it all but having
nothing. Having Torah at all times, having the reason why, so being fed and fed again and again with G-d's Words.
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