Who was the man who discovered America? Was he Chris, Kris, Kris Kringle, Christian, Christ, Christopher? Could you call a Jewish man Christopher and/or a Jewish woman Mary? Why all this secrecy, paranoia, people who are lying about their Faith.
How could the atrocities of the Spanish Inquistion and the Holocaust still have such a sour taste in our mouths, so much so, that we openly lie to people about our Faiths. Can you lie to a convert of Judaism about your Jewish Faith? We are supposed to love the Jewish converts, not lie and deceptively abuse them.
An underground secret Jew was Columbus, he lived during the time of the Spanish Inquistion, and wanted to preserve his life so he wanted the world to think he was a Christian, had a name change, he was born to parents who were Maranos and he too was a Marano. The Marano was/is a secret Jew, who lied and said they were not Jewish to the government so they would not be killed in the Spanish Inquistion.
What exactly is a Marano? See him secretly eat some food and some not, see him hiding his Mexican hot sauce, hiding his Spanish descent? Closing the curtain, looking back and forth as if with multiple eyes, chaining his wallet to his pants, even though it is empty, in fear of being discovered, even though he is among friends who already know his identity.
Wearing a blue cap around his head like his yarmulkeh, never to remove. Dark skin? What me? Hot sauce? Who me? Mexican. Spanish. We are Maranos, the secret Spanish Jews who lived through a time period of the slaughtering of millions of Jews, convert or die. Me? Me no speaky English, we are Spanish, see? We know how to speak espanol, the language of the dark-skinned Jew, the Spanish-American Jew.
Columbus was the first Spanish-American Jew to set foot on America, since then, we have been the United States of America and he was the one who discovered it. His parents' name was Columbo not Columbus. Dreaming of a place to "come out" a place to have freedom and religious equal rights. To truly exercise your rights, we must stop hiding. Esther, truly a mentor!
"Who are you??"
"None of your business!"
"Do you speaky English?"
"Um? No comprendo".
"No comprendo, no employment."
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