Sunday, September 3, 2017


Image result for flowers in meadow silence

Not to hear a sound, not to even hear a cricket as a nighttime fiddler on the roof, no sounds from thunderstorms, silently asleep all night, kids next door not playing bouncing basketball late into the night, neighborhood watched, neighborhood respectability, dogs penned, little or no barking, a treat for a dog to encourage his silence, beware although to know why he barks when. A stranger in the night, not strange to your watchful dog. Unwelcomed strangers running away, "Beware of Dog" sign on your backyard gate door. Silence everywhere except the barking of your police-trained German Shepherd. Reason for the barking checked, then asleep again.

In a meadow, just birdies singing, grasshoppers jumping, bumble bees pollenating flowers, trees swaying with leaves blowing in an up and down nod as if bowing to God Himself, all in unison like a marching band, music whistling in the wind, changing a wild wind into a soft breeze, music that we can hear with our imagination, an opera, a symphony, sweet calling voices from a bubbling brook, deer, venison, coyotes, sipping clean clear brook water, bouncing gaily in gaiety on forest preserve pathways.

Silence when you hear it, not to listen to noise, to pay attention when there is no noise, for God to bring these wonderful sounds of silence to you, to fill your ears, your ears like cornucopias overflowing with soothing-ness, but quietly, without even a sound.

To befriend the quiet grasshopper, to pick a meadow flower. To be in tune with the music when there is none. The beauty of only you, your grasshopper, a flower and me. 

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