What does "Menachem Av" a Hebrew phrase mean in English? It is a two word phrase that can go both ways, Comfort Father or Father Comfort.
The month of AV in English means Father. Both my Dad and Uncle died in the month of AV. To remember them as we enter into Tisha Ba'av is an awesome experience. My Uncle's yarhzeit is on 9 AV itself, he actually passed away on Tisha Ba'av, my Dad passed away on 13 Av.
A comforting holy day is Tisha Ba'av for me to fondly remember my Dad. He takes me by the hand every time I need some help, he points me in the same direction each time I call upon him, he tells me to "love God."
I ask him again, what can I do Dad? Help me Dad, I need your advice. He again says to me "Adonai, and Yah and Emah." God and God and Mother. His teachings to me as I was growing up were to honor, love, and respect my Mother, which is what he again says to me when I beckon him and he says "Emah." As God is everywhere, my respect for my Mother is everywhere and always, as my Father taught me to think.
I wish to dream of my Dad, to see him as I sleep, he once tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead, where the Shekinah is present, he taught me how to peacefully sleep, and now just before sleep I pray the Shema, and hold my three fingers onto my forehead where my Dad kissed me. He then surrounds my entire space with kisses, chocolate kisses, hugs from my Mom and Sister, a time of comfort, a time of compassion, of forgiveness, a time to sleep and remember my Dad as I never forget my Dad or the Lord, my God.
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