Sunday, November 13, 2016


Image result for GOD IN YOUR BACKYARD

Looking for G-D? Where to find G-D, how to feel Him, where to look, how to feel G-D's holiness?

You feel G-D's love in your love for others. To have compassion for those who struggle, to bond with the motherless, fatherless, widow, orphan and stranger. To feel the plight of the poor as you fast on Jewish fast days, to hire the poor who are unemployed, to show someone how to feel the peace you feel from your worship of The Sovereign.

To take someone under your wing, to be the Mother bird to feed its young. To have a commitment to this Mother bird, her teachings as being the teachings of your study of The Torah.

To open the Ark cabinet where The Torah is hidden. To keep up your dedication to the Torah Commandments, to be the drummer in your own band, but as an individual who is part of a group. To have a commitment to the sustenance of this group as well as to your own individual needs. To be sure of yourself and not to sway with the breeze of everyone's passing, to be firm on your feet, to know the tune of your song.

The chirping of the birds are their cries of their hunger for foods. The birds being hungry and calling for their Mothers to hear them, to put a worm or a seed into their mouths.

The bird then flying away from its nest, no longer a baby, learning to feed itself as well as feeding its own young.

Feeling the presence of The Lord, however you want to, not being without holiness or goodness, to feel G-D as goodness, to know what goodness is and to feel this goodness in everything and everywhere.

To know that if The Torah says "G-D Created Light" and The Torah says "Light Is Good" then this is knowledge we can count on. Not to be like a palm tree that sways in the wind dropping its coconuts on the ground below where they just rot.

To be firm, in your Jewish roots and Jewish training and to crack your own coconut and to eat its good white meat and drink its milk.

A Tree of Life, firmly rooted, self-sustaining, a tree taller than all the other trees in the forest, a tree with a mind of its own that provides its fruit for others to eat.

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