Friday, November 25, 2016


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The day after The USA Thanksgiving Holiday, a day with leftovers of foods in your fridge, a lot of foods for creative recipes to cook--putting the leftovers into a pie, to make the crust of the pie like a "pot pie" and to spread the turkey pieces into this crust and to cook it. To make what is called a "stuffing hash" to add eggs to the stuffing and they become a quiche, or as called a "hash."

Finding a large soup kettle and adding together all the turkey meats with veggies to cook a soup of all the Thanksgiving foods leftovers, even to add the turkey neck-bone, something in the soup to slurp, to chew and nibble the meats off the bones.

Turkey sandwiches? My advice is to yes, add the meats to bread, but subtract one piece of bread, to have an "open-faced" sandwich, to not overdo the breads so to not raise your triglyceride levels with breads that convert to sugars when digesting in the body.

Green lettuce and tomatoes? My advice is one can never overdo the greens! Lots of lettuce and the deeper the green color the better, but what on tomatoes? Tomatoes are enticing in their bright red color, but they are considered a "spicy" food and they create the reflux heartburn indigestion in your stomach that wakes you up at night with a full throat of upward moving acid and all you can do is try to swallow it down. Better to avoid the tomatoes and use cucumbers instead. Cucumbers sliced thinly with the peel of chewy tougher skin removed, cucs sprinkled with a tasty vinaigrette dressing, cucs too in a smaller size as pickles.

Kosher pickles? Or Polish pickles? Sometimes one has a choice! A full jar of these pickles of natural green veggies with added spices to tickle your throat with this pickle, a tickle of a pickle! If one has this choice, whether to choose a GREAT Kosher pickle vs. a mediocre Polish pickle, to always choose the greater of the two, and in this way to have a "GREAT" day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016



People in chronic body pain, elders, sick, disabled, people using wheelchairs, people without a leg or legs, enduring pain as a constant companion, a body that hurts and does not stop hurting, a desire to walk but you only have one leg.

Complaints by these people to their doctors, doctors who have no miracle cures, pain medicine swallowed like chocolate flavored candy M&Ms, not healing, just aggravating the condition as these medicines lower body temperatures and make the body a place for infection to invade.

People with pain in their feet, feet being bound in cloth wrappings, a foot that cannot move in a special foot boot, a person who hobbles, a foot that is dragged along. A crutch to lean on instead of your leg, your leg then becoming weaker and weaker without use.

People on the winter Holidays who are told to enjoy them, but they are enduring physical pain and so enjoyment only comes when the pain decreases or lets up. A smile on someone's face that is actually a cringe from a sharp pain, a smile in reaction to this nerve stimulation.

Charity opportunities for these "smiling" people, a place to give, a place to fund another crutch for another person who hobbles. This winter Holiday season, to keep these people in your constant prayers and to give them something when what you own is two and can give away one.

A cold winter ahead for the poor who have no homes. A season to find these people and provide for them, to be a winter holiday season where everyone is happy and can enjoy it.

Sunday, November 20, 2016



Having the virtues of patience, a self-imposed constraint on the fulfillment of your desires, to wait for them, to wait and to wait and to wait...

To not always desire an immediacy of someone's services to you, to wait patiently each morning for the sun to rise, and not to rush this sunrise; to wait patiently each evening for the sun to set, and not to rush this sunset.

And then, gloriously, as you successfully exercised your patience, you see this sunset/sunrise in all its purple, pink and blue gloriousness! An ability to contemplate on the fluffiness and freedom of each colorful cloud you see in the sky. To appreciate this awesomeness even more because you waited for it and in waiting you EARNED this experience to have this beauty in the sky to be pleasing just for you!

To cook and to wait for a piece of meat to become either rare/medium/or well done. The passionate cooking fires that spit and lick the meat in the red hotness of its rising flames that each get hotter and hotter! Taking carefully measured time to cook the meat to its best delectableness and roasted perfectly to meet the expectations of your tastes, to wait and then to eat and to curb your appetite so you hunger no more.

We are waiting, we continue to wait, we are waiting on a reply to our emails, we are waiting on a kind word, we are waiting to see the happy faces of our loved ones.

We are waiting and waiting, and waiting for our favorite foods to go "on sale" in the grocery stores as we wait in the long lines at these stores for the cashier. We wait at pharmacies and we wait in doctors' offices, tapping our feet to our inner music as we wait.

The most ultimate of all our waiting is our waiting for The Coming of The Messiah!

To wait, to be patient, to be satisfied after waiting, to have all our needs met sooner or later, (but the sooner the better!)

Thursday, November 17, 2016


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How to say "NO" and get someone to properly respond to you and to follow, to obey your wishes, to listen to your command. How to prevent someone from walking all over you and smashing you down into a splotch on the ground.

70 different ways to say "NO" like there are 70 faces (or opinions) to interpret the teachings of The Torah.

To be like a mule, a mule who has a mind of his own; to be a goat, a goat with a mind of his own; to not be pushed or pulled like a "Push-me Pull-you" creature that has no control over his actions other than to let others be the ones to control him.

To politely say "NO THANK YOU" sometimes works and sometimes it does not. It all depends on how polite is the person who is trying to sway you, to get you to perform the action he wants you to do, but that you do not want to do.

"TAKE A BUS, GUS" is another way to respond, using the fight/flight reaction that is given to you in your body through the secretion of the hormone Cortisol from the adrenal glands. But, before you let it get that far, to must use "flight" as a choice to avoid discomfort; to instead be firm, stand your ground, dig your heels deeply into the Earth (that is YOUR Earth too). You have this human right to be where you want to be, and to do what you want to do, or think what you want to think, no matter where is your location or who is the one trying to control you.

To be polite, conditionally, and to simply "opt out". To check this "opt out" box on your form, to be the one who decides if you want to opt out or not, and not let others be the ones to make this choice for you, especially if the choice they make is against your will.

To participate when and where you want to, with whom you want to, at your G-D given choice.

To say "NO" and to mean it and to get results!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


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Lying to keep the peace, telling someone an untruth when his knowing the actual truth could hurt him, an untruth being told to preserve someone's health, to help and not hurt someone.

To keep someone "In The Dark" because if he knows this truthfulness of  this "Light" he will not benefit, he actually could be burned by the intensity of this truth.

There once in Greek Mythology was a Father named Daedalus and his son named Icarus. Daedalus was flying in the sky as these gods were able to do, and his son, who was following him decided to fly too close to the sun and his wings melted and his entire body burned up. A myth, yes, an untruth, yes, but a fable to know that could help you to save your own life, as you do not fly too close to the sun and find out a truth that could hurt you not help you.

The truth of a situation could be disabling to one's happiness as you find out that your hero is not ethical after all, or you find out that someone you love does not love you.

When Abraham said his wife Sarah was not his wife but his sister, he lied, and told this untruth to save his life and also the life of his wife Sarah. When Jacob lied to his Father Isaac and told him he actually was his brother Esau and not Jacob at all, Jacob was able to use this lie, this untruth, to become blessed by his Father. He was more qualified than his brother Esau to use this blessing to benefit the world.

Sometimes, as we call it: "A White Lie" is better than truth that is the color Black. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Image result for GOD IN YOUR BACKYARD

Looking for G-D? Where to find G-D, how to feel Him, where to look, how to feel G-D's holiness?

You feel G-D's love in your love for others. To have compassion for those who struggle, to bond with the motherless, fatherless, widow, orphan and stranger. To feel the plight of the poor as you fast on Jewish fast days, to hire the poor who are unemployed, to show someone how to feel the peace you feel from your worship of The Sovereign.

To take someone under your wing, to be the Mother bird to feed its young. To have a commitment to this Mother bird, her teachings as being the teachings of your study of The Torah.

To open the Ark cabinet where The Torah is hidden. To keep up your dedication to the Torah Commandments, to be the drummer in your own band, but as an individual who is part of a group. To have a commitment to the sustenance of this group as well as to your own individual needs. To be sure of yourself and not to sway with the breeze of everyone's passing, to be firm on your feet, to know the tune of your song.

The chirping of the birds are their cries of their hunger for foods. The birds being hungry and calling for their Mothers to hear them, to put a worm or a seed into their mouths.

The bird then flying away from its nest, no longer a baby, learning to feed itself as well as feeding its own young.

Feeling the presence of The Lord, however you want to, not being without holiness or goodness, to feel G-D as goodness, to know what goodness is and to feel this goodness in everything and everywhere.

To know that if The Torah says "G-D Created Light" and The Torah says "Light Is Good" then this is knowledge we can count on. Not to be like a palm tree that sways in the wind dropping its coconuts on the ground below where they just rot.

To be firm, in your Jewish roots and Jewish training and to crack your own coconut and to eat its good white meat and drink its milk.

A Tree of Life, firmly rooted, self-sustaining, a tree taller than all the other trees in the forest, a tree with a mind of its own that provides its fruit for others to eat.

Friday, November 11, 2016



Like a camel in a desert packed up high on his back with supplies, to have pockets in your pants loaded up like this camel's back, but not traveling in Jordan, instead traveling in Israel upon a camel to the Holy Land of Jerusalem.

In your pockets to have a toothbrush and toothpaste. What!!! Why a toothbrush and toothpaste??

The toothbrush being a red, white, and blue toothbrush to represent the Nation of the United States of America, having our flag in those colors. To have a clean feeling in your mouth as you speak cleanly about our Great Nation.

The toothbrush in your pocket in a brilliant sky blue toothbrush case, an Israeli flag blue, in your pocket to protect your toothbrush, a sturdy completely blue case that opens and closes, a shape like a bar or tube, like the tube we as Jews use to hold our "Yads" which are pen-like pointers we use to follow the Hebrew print as we read The Torah. A toothbrush case like a case of our Yad.

A tube of toothpaste to fit in your pocket as a companion to your toothbrush, a toothbrush married to its case, a toothbrush with a mate, a friend, a tube of Aim Toothpaste that is in a pure white colored tube but the actual toothpaste being again, this holy sky blue, the blue of the Israeli flag, and the paste tasting so fresh and so delicious!

Temptation in your pocket to brush your teeth with this blue paste and to use a patriotic toothbrush in a holy blue bar-shaped long, firm and sturdy, protective plastic case, a case that opens and closes at your command.

To be holy, and to not touch these items in our pockets, as we do not touch the tzitzit of our Tallit Katans or Tallit Prayer Shawls, but to know that we always have this cleanness in our pockets, so we can always be clean in our teeth and in our mouth and our words and speech; being clean people then, like our teeth.

To use clean teeth and refreshing breath without tooth decay to pray our holy Hebrew songs to The ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY G-D.

To have inherited clean white teeth like the teeth of our Jewish Parent(s) and to be proud of our Parent(s) and proud of our teeth and proud of our cleanliness, purity, and holiness as Israelites.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


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Do you wish that there is someone, a human to take the place of The Almighty G-D in your life? This is impossible.

To want a human with human fault and inherent error, to take the place of the holy G-D in your life is unrealistic and puts undo demands on others and will ultimately always lead to disappointment.

People are not like G-D, they cannot "be there for you" like G-D The Almighty is able to do. People have imperfections. To instead of trying to get a human to "be there for you" to be the human who is there for them. But not unrealistically, all you can do is to give it a try and to ask forgiveness when you fail someone. To let someone know that it is all in G-D's Power, in His hands, not yours, to depend on G-D's perfection and not on a human's.

But to know that even G-D is not perfect. But, He is more perfect than a human and more perfect than an Angel, but even G-D can error.

Depending on G-D instead of the frailty of humans to meet your needs. To talk to G-D, to personally have Him in dialogue conversation with you, especially when your IPhone needs charging, or it gets disconnected because you did not pay the bill.

A constant "connection" with the Divine, more dependable than any other connection, better than a phone, or Internet email connection, or postal letters.

Never forget each morning to awaken and say "Hello" to The ONE True Almighty G-D, because it is G-D Who is the ONE Who is "there for you."

Monday, November 7, 2016


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How to be a giant??? How not to be a grasshopper, even though grasshoppers are good, they are Kosher foods. To become instead of a grasshopper, to become a giant! A giant as big as a NY Giant Football Player!!!

To have good ethics as you watch these Football Games on TV or on your video player online, not  instead watching dirty porno.

To see good men who wear tight WHITE clean pants with Israeli holy blue football jerseys. Watching these white pants with muscles protruding as they shake and shimmy to make a TOUCHDOWN!!!

Not to worry or fret about these gorgeous men you love to be in danger, they wear helmets to protect their glorious heads. Not to worry about feeding them. Their bodies well-trained, in shape, in constant everyday exercise and they are eating well.

The hands and arms of the referees in an upward swing!!! As they touch the Throne of G-D in the blue skies and blow their whistles with wholesome wind in their lungs! Raising THE TORAH scroll high into the skies!

Whistles with pursed healthy lips like a SHOFAR blown in holiness of THE L-RD to awaken you and to bring your body and mind stimulation, a good feeling in your body, not breaking any Commandments of The Torah to feel good.

To watch these glorious "fighters" but not as boxers who bruise each other, instead to be a holy minyan of Football Players to delight and dance to your fancy, to wet your body with the sweat of their hard-working brows, all in clean fun.

Footballs no longer made out of pig skin, footballs we can touch and hold like soft babies in our clean washed hands.

Football, a clean game, a clean sport, a holy sport, an inclusive sport for all to see on TV. TVs sold in all stores accessible to everyone.

Football, a clean holy inclusive game for ALL: Men, Women, and Children.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


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The place of no images, no lifeless reproductions in photographs that try to take the place of real live people with warm skin to touch and words they can whisper into your ears.

Not to use a photographic image as a replacement for the real thing. To not hide behind a camera lens that separates you from actual eye to eye contact with the greatness of a blue sky, to see these pink colors too in a sky when you look to the East towards Jerusalem, this pink color as representative of the rights given to women in the Israeli Constitution for Jewish women to pray equally at the Kotel: The Wailing Wall, with the men.

This pink color in the East not coloring a pink to be a picture, but actually coloring your own brain and mind, and heart, a pink color instead of using a photo.

Having had a true experience directly with this Havdalah pink color in the skies of a sunset as it floated over a lake, a Great Lake, The Great Lake Michigan, that is a place for everyone to swim, and a place for all to see this sunset, this pinkish sky, to look to the East, the holy East, where we can bow to our ancestors and to do the worship of Yah, our G-D Who is a G-D for both men and women, and children.