The day after The USA Thanksgiving Holiday, a day with leftovers of foods in your fridge, a lot of foods for creative recipes to cook--putting the leftovers into a pie, to make the crust of the pie like a "pot pie" and to spread the turkey pieces into this crust and to cook it. To make what is called a "stuffing hash" to add eggs to the stuffing and they become a quiche, or as called a "hash."
Finding a large soup kettle and adding together all the turkey meats with veggies to cook a soup of all the Thanksgiving foods leftovers, even to add the turkey neck-bone, something in the soup to slurp, to chew and nibble the meats off the bones.
Turkey sandwiches? My advice is to yes, add the meats to bread, but subtract one piece of bread, to have an "open-faced" sandwich, to not overdo the breads so to not raise your triglyceride levels with breads that convert to sugars when digesting in the body.
Green lettuce and tomatoes? My advice is one can never overdo the greens! Lots of lettuce and the deeper the green color the better, but what on tomatoes? Tomatoes are enticing in their bright red color, but they are considered a "spicy" food and they create the reflux heartburn indigestion in your stomach that wakes you up at night with a full throat of upward moving acid and all you can do is try to swallow it down. Better to avoid the tomatoes and use cucumbers instead. Cucumbers sliced thinly with the peel of chewy tougher skin removed, cucs sprinkled with a tasty vinaigrette dressing, cucs too in a smaller size as pickles.
Kosher pickles? Or Polish pickles? Sometimes one has a choice! A full jar of these pickles of natural green veggies with added spices to tickle your throat with this pickle, a tickle of a pickle! If one has this choice, whether to choose a GREAT Kosher pickle vs. a mediocre Polish pickle, to always choose the greater of the two, and in this way to have a "GREAT" day!