Thursday, April 28, 2016



Not to retaliate, to ignore insults and hurtful words and behavior, to not engage in an argument, having no argumentation no swords that are clinking in the air, to be sure and firm, to walk away from trouble, to not interact, to not fight ugly words with uglier words, to have a bridle on the tongue, to not invite trouble, to walk away, to turn around, to not be the one to cause a transgression, to not be the one in guilt, to be the better one.

To stop a fight before it starts, to not engage eye contact with the evil eye, to have a hamsa as each palm of your hands, to soften someone's hatred by not hating him back.

To not allow someone to get your goat, to be peaceful and relaxed, to always be in song in Hebrew prayer, to concentrate on avoiding a clash, to not spit out defensive words against their hate, to feel the presence of G-d as their grass withers and yours grows.

To not laugh and get your jollies when an enemy perishes, to never be glad of someone's death. To not entertain yourself with self pride when G-d punishes the enemy and grants you your desires and not them.

To always be the one to come out on top as the peaceful warrior who wins all wars without retaliation, who wins a war with the weapon of peace: Returning curses with blessings.

To be as pure natural mikvah water dissolving the fires of anger and hatred before they ignite.

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