Thursday, April 28, 2016



Not to retaliate, to ignore insults and hurtful words and behavior, to not engage in an argument, having no argumentation no swords that are clinking in the air, to be sure and firm, to walk away from trouble, to not interact, to not fight ugly words with uglier words, to have a bridle on the tongue, to not invite trouble, to walk away, to turn around, to not be the one to cause a transgression, to not be the one in guilt, to be the better one.

To stop a fight before it starts, to not engage eye contact with the evil eye, to have a hamsa as each palm of your hands, to soften someone's hatred by not hating him back.

To not allow someone to get your goat, to be peaceful and relaxed, to always be in song in Hebrew prayer, to concentrate on avoiding a clash, to not spit out defensive words against their hate, to feel the presence of G-d as their grass withers and yours grows.

To not laugh and get your jollies when an enemy perishes, to never be glad of someone's death. To not entertain yourself with self pride when G-d punishes the enemy and grants you your desires and not them.

To always be the one to come out on top as the peaceful warrior who wins all wars without retaliation, who wins a war with the weapon of peace: Returning curses with blessings.

To be as pure natural mikvah water dissolving the fires of anger and hatred before they ignite.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


To show someone encouragement, to tell another that you are happy about his successes, to put in a good word for someone, to be a referral and tell others of another's goodness. To say kind words to someone that would increase their abilities to perform because you believe in them, to see another as competent and not to doubt them or decrease their confidence level because the truth is that you feel doubt about yourself and your own capabilities. To see someone as a shining light, a person who can guide you to truths instead of judging others as lesser, not able to offer you something that could help you.

Not forgetting about someone's history and telling them that they cannot help you or worse yet that they cannot help themselves. Not throwing Daniel to the lions because you cannot show him gladness for anything he says or does because of your own miseries. Not giving up on someone to tell them they have no future and no life's significance just because you cannot use them for your own personal gain.

To have reverence for another, to be proud of their successes and not to concentrate on their failures. To share in their happiness and to encourage them to repeat their successes and not to give up.

Not to give up on someone because you are really giving up on yourself. To see lightness and brightness in everyone's path and to support them and give them hope in their pursuits to continue to shine and to perform feats that cause an improvement in the world as a whole, in your world as well as in theirs, in everyone's.


"To be able to look at another and offer love instead of judgment is the greatest level of a spiritual being. All of us have judgment, but when we treat others with respect and love, we can transform that judgment into mercy. Moreover, as we diminish our judgment of others, so is the judgment towards us lessened.

Today, take a few moments to feel the energy of the person next to you and treat him or her as you yourself would like to be treated. As you do, know that you are contributing to the peace in the world."

[Kabbalah Centre]

To look upon another without needing to judge them, without wanting to find a way that you come out on top and to put them on the bottom, judging them as good or bad, judging yourself as good and them as bad. Not to compare others with yourself and try to be more than them, not to think you are in a position to judge others as an authority over others, instead knowing that all people should be treated equally with no one who claims to be better or more than another.

Not to ask questions of another to put them on the defense, to try to find fault, to cross examine someone with the intent of pointing out their wrongness, not to act like a lawyer and accuse others of unethical behavior and say you yourself are ethical. Not to judge people and line them up, not to cause another to feel lower in status than you, not to say you are better and to force someone to be on the bottom as you step on them to be on the top.

To have acceptance of others, to give other people the benefit of the doubt, to excuse others, to be forgiving of others and not to hold grudges or to blame them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


A barren female, single, not attached or married, not dependent, pure as the driven snow, putting her needs first as she does not have a child's needs to come before hers, getting an education for herself, going to banquets in honor of herself and not her children, having free time, time to learn, to teach, to help others, to be the leader of other females, to be a chief executive officer, to not need to mikvah, incurring no impurities, living a life of total freedom, inner freedom and outer.

Not dependent on a child's successes as your status symbols, becoming a success herself. Going to school for advanced degrees, entering contests and being awarded prizes. She eats the richest of viands and they pour freely from the heavens in a celebration for her to be satiated, to always have enough.

Standing alone with inner peace on top of a rock at the sea and singing a song but not as a siren, not as a pregnant female, not as a Venus symbol of love but as a Woman of Wisdom, a Woman of Valor, a woman who was nurtured by G- d Himself, nurtured overflowing not with needy children, a woman who leads and gets respect, is at the top of the ladder.

Not being drained of breast milk, instead drinking it herself, not a pillar of salt, instead the real meaning of being The Tree of Life, everyone of your seeds being planted and growing as generation to generation, as works of your own, successes that are yours, and not being judged by the successes or failures of your children, instead on your own merit.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Day Day Enu, Day Day Enu, Dayenu, Dayenu! What a lovely song this is to sing on Passover, a song with a written script that puts the Hebrew word Dayenu after every sentence, every idea. How could this sound in song be so incredibly beautiful? And with such a catchy rhythm that encourages all to sing it in tune with you, singing Dayenu after Dayenu, and then again. To sway in your seats and to tap your foot, to hear the others singing and to beautifully blend your voice with theirs, giving great significance to this word Dayenu that we repeat over and over again.

What is the Hebrew meaning of Dayenu? It simply means "To have enough." That is it, such a simple meaning, a meaning that is not hard to comprehend, and when you ingest it internally and make it your lifestyle, you will be the happiest person in the world!

Dayenu is the truest key to happiness of all other advice that you will ever get. It means to be satisfied with what you have, to have enough, and in this way you will never be in a position of want where you may not be fulfilled. Because you will have had enough, not need more, be sated with what you have, not require others to give to you and you be in a position of receiving, to be in glory and perfect harmony with everything you own, so you do not need anything else.

Dayenu, that we sing over and over again with incredible joyousness on our tongue on Passover, is the key to success, and the meaning of the happiness we seek, that we will no longer need to be seeking, it will be found, and we will then be fulfilled.

All we need in life is Dayenu, what we have will then always "be enough."

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


How to live with a chest cold infection and not let it get you down! No, there is no cure for the common cold, there are antibiotics for bacterial infections, but most of the time an infection of the chest is viral and not bacterial, so antibiotics will not work on a viral infection and their side effects will just worsen your condition. You just have to tough it out, be strong, treat yourself with special kindnesses, lower your expectations of your abilities that are easy to do when you are well but are a chore to do when you are sick.

Sometimes for some people a 50 mg. dosage 1x per day of the mineral tablet zinc while you have the head cold will be of some help. This works on some people and not on others. It increases the abilities of the immune system to be able to fight off the chest cold so it lasts for a shorter time than it would without the zinc.

Keep calm, prop your head up with pillows on your bed, cough when your throat is tickled and hold your hand over your mouth so the germs do not spread.

Use a vaporizer appliance in your bedroom to moisten the air, or if you have radiators put a pan of water over them that will heat up when the radiator is turned on and the steam will rise, or you could heat up water to boiling on your stove.

Taking vitamin C will help, each day you should take 250-500 mgs of vitamin C, and/or eat fresh oranges. This will help some but even with vitamin C in your diet, you may still be susceptible to catch the germ.

Try to do what you usually do, doing what you love to do each day, continuing your daily schedule, not to let the head cold limit your happiness, to still go to parties, to work, etc. but not while you are in the 5 day phase of still being contagious, not to spread your germs onto others and be the cause of another catching your cold.

Drink plenty of herb teas and pure water, reduce your intake of foods, your appetite will be lessened anyway so you will not be as hungry as you are when you are well.

There are over-the-counter medicines you can take that can reduce the fluids in your nose and keep you drier, but they all have side effects that could cause you to feel more unpleasant than without them. Most cold medicines cause drowsiness and this weakens the body's strength causing the body to have a harder time fighting off the infection and your cold will just last longer.

Stay indoors, or if you must go outside be sure to wear a hat over your head that covers your ears and a scarf that covers your throat. Do not be outside for long periods of time.

Keep washing your hands and showering once a day as you usually do, but do not wet your head with water, to postpone hair washing until when you are better.

Let your family and friends know you are sick so they can pray to G-d for you to heal, for them to sing the Mishe-Barakh prayer for you to get better and to again be healthy.

You, yourself pray to G-d, petition G-d to heal you and thank G-d for every moment of your life, whether you are in health or not.


Being raised as an "opponent" by your parents: someone with whom to compete against, another runner in the race, someone of whom to trip up, as a player in a chess game but not being taught the rules, a born Mah Jong player who is instead playing Bingo, winning all the games but not wanting or needing the prizes, sending the prizes home to family as trophies like a reindeer's severed head to be hung on a mantel in the family dining room where you no longer dine.

Raised to be the one to come out last in a race with your parent and siblings so that they come out first, to hobble across the finish line instead before them tattered with the use of only one leg, the others losing track of their goals in their self-made wars because they quibble with each other, so that keeps them from being able to focus on good intentions so they do not win, instead they lose.

As the turtle, winning the war that you did not create, but were set up to fight, and winning their war without a surrender, without a white flag, but instead winning it as a peaceful spiritual leader who follows the rules as set up in The Torah, the rules that they do not know, the rules being G-d's righteous commandments, not the rules of Bingo.

Having G-d pull you over the finish line with a heave and a ho, as you bless those who curse you, to come out ahead, and to know instead that this is how to be the family "mensch."

Monday, April 11, 2016


"Nothing you have acquired is real unless you worked for it.
If you were born a nice guy, the niceness isn’t yours.
If you started off not so nice, and now you do a little better, that’s divine."

To show improvement: is what our lessons in The Torah are all about, to achieve a state of mind that you did not have before, to stop all inclinations of RAH, to stop uncleanness, to only flow purity from your mouth, to not have the "sour grapes" syndrome, to instead of returning a punch put up your hands in peace and call to the Divine to come in between you and the evil inclination, to return curses with blessings, to have a kiss for those who hate you, to soothe over another's coveting by giving them compliments on something that they have, to point out what good they have, that they needn't covet what you have.

To wipe off the unclean with words of purity, to speak of whiteness when they speak of blackness, to put up a shield against their dirt and look up to G-d to keep you clean of it. To tell someone you love them after they impose hurtful words, to speak of G-d when they have none, to try to include someone who is impure into your sphere so they too will desire purity. To try to wash off their stains with a smile and positive attention, to show them the way.

Yes, niceness is acquirable, it is a state of being we can all try to have, to jump into lake waters of 100% natural waters, to wash your hands before you speak, to brush your teeth before saying anything, to be in clean clothes, to not be deceitful, to have a song of G-d in your rhythm, to eat only kosher foods, to be cool headed without holding grudges and forgiving when others are hot and angry. To always be slow to anger and not to retaliate, to welcome the unclean, the lepers, into your heart so they too can feel cleanness through you.

To be thankful and respectful always of a parent, even if they too are unclean. To motivate them toward cleanness, towards the study of Torah, to try to include them in your prayers even if they are not of your same religion, to pray to the one G-d for everyone, to recognize that this G-d belongs to all and all can be of a benefit from your prayers to our Divine G-d.

To sing to G-d to keep someone alive, even when you see them sinking, to pray to keep them upright and to have cleanness and goodness, to have improvement even while others do not. To pray for a miracle, and to see it materialize into reality after all of your work.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


In the Hebrew Proverbs, it says "If you are telling someone the truth, it is as if you are kissing their lips."

Open mouth kissing, from lip to lip, saying all truths, not bending the truth, not lying, not committing a transgression, no "white" lies or untruths by omission, looking deeply into your lover's dark brown deep pool dove eyes, saying it exactly as it happened, exactly as it is happening, being the one not to slander, not to be forced to gossip, not to be the one to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Not having to create an untruth on-the-spot quickly lying to save face, not needing to be the one to have to save face, because the truth is on your lips, and you are the one who becomes loving, showing others loving-kindness, and kissing their lips with terrific truthfulness.

Not to be feeling guilty, to have it all, to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, to be well fed, to only eat Kosher foods, to be spiritually fulfilled, to not be committing a transgression of telling a lie, to be always standing up unshakeable, to be firm in one's footing, to love someone enough to kiss their lips with the truth, tasting their lips as delicious as you caress their ears with a whisper unstained.

G-d rewards His servants, to be G-d's servant and have the job to be honest, to not have to cover or disguise, to be in the right, to see the sunshine, and not just to see it, but to also feel it, to be able to feel the comfort and righteousness of the warmth of the sunshine. To be the sunshine all yourself and to be shining like a knight in shining armor even at night.

To be warmed in truth and to shine like the sun without even one blemish. Not needing to be forgiven, always to follow G-d as your Guide, to be the sun when it is raining.

To warmly kiss her lips and to do it day after day, sunshine after moonshine, into eternity, generation after generation.

Monday, April 4, 2016


Resting, being told not to rest, being told people who rest get fat, someone resting and telling another not to rest, being the one who rests when others are not resting, resting and forcing others to work for you while you are resting.

Resting being the time when G-d visits His beloved in their sleep. Being told not to rest so G-d does not visit you, condemning rest, hating the rested, being the one who rests and having others being envious of your rest.

Taking a nap after eating foods. Siesta time all over the world not just in Mexico. Having leisure time, time to sleep, time to celebrate, people who have confusion about resting, wanting to be the only one who is rested.

Equating laziness and slothfulness with rest. Being told not to rest and not being able to get sleep at night, body in full gear and not wanting to be lazy so never in a state of restfulness.

Being told resting is sinful. But knowing that rest heals the body and without rest the body is sick.

Standing while eating, being afraid to treat yourself to a chair when eating, having the body organs stressed out and churning, getting indigestion. Having food digestive illnesses: overweight, underweight, needing to swallow pills of Probiotics to ease the stomach as it tries to digest food in a state of unrest. Developing bulimia, not letting yourself swallow food, feeling that the body does not deserve food and does not deserve rest.

Healing yourself of all the misinformation and confused thinking. Laying down after a meal or sitting, always sitting while eating, eating all and only Kosher foods, being in with the spiritually good as you eat, eating to purify your soul, resting as you eat, not to get indigestion, not to suffer from bulimia, not to worry about foods, not to have anxiety when you eat.

To rest and to like to rest, to feel good about resting, not to tell others you are working when you are actually resting, to enjoy a rest, not to feel guilty because you rest, feeling G-d entering into your mind as you dream, getting a feeling of rejuvenation after a rest.

Resting on Shabbat. Carrying the feeling of Shabbat rest into your weekdays.

Resting and working, sleeping and being awake, eating and fasting, a time for all and to know when that time is, to feel in sync with the universe, not to feel guilty about when or where to rest, loving what your body tells you to do, being grateful that your body instructs you to sleep when you are tired, not to try to stay awake when your body tells you to sleep.

Not to change your body's commands by overdrinking coffee or tea.

Letting it all go, and letting G-d. G-d visits His beloved in their sleep.


Chametz: bread crumbs, bakery, cookies, pretzels, living breathing thinking mold, yeast that creeps and crawls, add a smidgeon of water to yeast and it comes alive, bread then thickens and pumps up in arrogance.

Dough, colored dough that could be green, eating my bread and being green with envy, bread crumbs that are old and are covered with green molds, biting into green mold, having it stain your teeth.

Bread eaten and digesting, converting into glucose sugars once inside the body, raising sugar levels, putting one at the risk of diabetes.

Bread, rice, and legumes, all evil. Rice that comes from rice fields from China, little grains of rice like grains of sand near an ocean that is filled with shellfish. A mealtime dish of shrimp shellfish over rice, not Kosher.

Cleaning inside the stove, cleaning around the stove, cleaning under the stove, burning up bread crumbs into ashes, a cremation, killing all evil, sweeping it away, getting it all out of the house. Selling it, making a profit.

Draping white cloths and paper over cleaned areas, an identification that it all has been cleared away, white cloths but not in a surrender, a white cloth to say it is pure.

Matzos as a substitute for bread. What we ate when we were on the run out of Egypt, leaving the evils of slavery, leaving the evils of the Egyptian gods, taking with us only the clothes on our backs, not to ever bow to a Golden Calf.

Bread being gone, out of sight for eight days. Eight days of no evil, eight days of peace.