Tuesday, February 3, 2015

On Forgiving the Esaus and Leahs In Our Families


On forgiving the wicked, the hateful people, feeling sorry for someone who hates, hatred eating them up inside, jealousies in the lineage of Esau brother of Jacob, Leah's womb stretched open, was the less loved of the two sisters, Rachel was fatter with richness, with fewer children. Leah attacking Rachel's dreams, attacking her sister's pride and righteousness, dishonoring her family member, bullets of hatred flying, mothers seeing hatred and attacks, trying to stay alive to foster family peace. Leah drinking booze to increase her strength, disease of Depression, drowning in purple grapes, filling up the wine glass taller and taller, not being able to stop. Obsessions with competition, coveting, wanting what the other sister has, destroying all she has left, taking from her everything including her clothes, fighting and stabbing.

Rachel and Jacob the Good-Hearted, forgiving wicked Esaus and Leahs. Rachel and Jacob: having their mother's heart, their father's inheritance, honoring one's mother and father, father and mother, continuing to please them, showing them love and respect. Healing wounds: yours, hers and his. Continuing to live, and to love.

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