Not playing by their rules, rules that are broken as we ride against the wind as cowboys on stronger horses, more horses, numbers win, giants fall as did Goliath, and it was my great great great Grandfather King David who slew the Goliath, he did it as a small man, with an Almighty God guiding his pebble. Their rules are not my rules, there is strength in learning and greater strength in teaching, teaching to change the world, to provide tikkun olam.
She teaches to do tikkun olam too. She has 500 hungry mouths who want to learn from Her, mouths that are not hungry for food, but for knowledge, for Her wisdom. I was hungry for food, but I was the only one who was. I was a student with a backpack on my back and carrying heavy books, now the books condensed into a small paperback with the entire contents of my learning material all there, ready for the reading.
Martin Luther King Day is next Monday, he was said to be a man who sought peace, and he marched through White neighborhoods without throwing rocks. In Israel the Palestinians throw rocks at windows of buses filled with school children. Moses struck the rock twice to bring water to the Israelites after his sister Miriam passed away and the water disappeared, but God did not approve of Mose's violence as a means to provide nutrients to the people as Miriam provided it; instead what God did was He put Moses to death and forbid him to enter or see the Promised Land. There are those who want to put Moses's descendants to death for the same reason; but the Torah says that the children of a parent are not to be punished for a parent's crime. There are women descendants of Moses who are targeted and children who are innocent who are also targeted, and this is unethical. There is no crime greater than thinking one is God himself, and killing as God had killed. We must re-think our intentions and realize there is only One God and that if you are arrogant enough to think you are God, then you are the one who is to be punished.
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