What is a Fast? Can we slowly Fast?
The Fast of Tamuz, why are we crying, respecting our ancestors as they lived through atrocities as they happened, to recreate history as we drink/drank our coffee black no sweetness no sugar, or/and to abstain entirely from all beverages, no water even.
A dry mouth. No teeth brushing, no leather belts or shoes, no perfumes or lotions, no deodorants.
Why? Moses smashed the Tablets of the Ten Commandments to smithereens!
Slow? How can we view slowness during a Fast? Carefully watch the grounds so we do not trip. Watch the Hebrews as they dismantled the Golden Calf, one earring by one necklace, all golden jewelry melted down ripped off from the Golden Calf, a Golden Calf that was no more.
Then the Destruction of our Holy Temple!
We stood 6 miles away from Mount Sinai. As we slowly cautiously walked foot by one foot to the Mount we felt the heat of a volcano, the passions of fiery flaming hearts, we call it "lovingkindness".
Moses unveiled the new set of Ten Commandments as the Golden Calf was stomped upon into the ground.
These Commandments? Yes, there were ten. As time went by, 613 were added to the Ten.
Can we follow all these 623 Commandments? Are we righteous enough? Can we at least try?
Start and end with the worship of ONE God ECHAD and end with the worship of ONE God ECHAD, never to worship any alien god!!!
Our God can see, hear, feel, smell, prophesize, taste.
Any alien god, we cannot perceive, he is a figment of our imagination only, a god who is incomprehensible, who cannot see, hear, feel, smell, prophesize or taste.
Our Hebrew Prophet Balaam was tempted to destroy his fellows, but his donkey who perceived an angel who blocked Balaam from deceiving his people.
All's well that ends well. So we sing as we once sang. Selah!