Sunday, February 18, 2018


Image result for blindness

Glaucoma. What generically is Glaucoma and how can we cure it?

Glaucoma is a state of blindness where light that enters into the eye at too great a rate so the eye cannot process this light and this burns out the eye and the eye cannot see as well as a healthy eye that is protected from an excess of light.

Sunglasses? Do not work to cure the disorder. If your sunglasses are gradient from top to bottom to act as a shield from the light they still will not cure Glaucoma and may even aggravate it.

Close your house curtains? Yes, close them partially and look out the window of northern light not southern. The light from the south is too heavy and hurts the eyes, whether you have Glaucoma or not.

Eye drops to cure Glaucoma? The eye drops block out light but this causes Depression. It becomes the same condition as having Seasonal Affective Disorder, when you do not get sufficient light to cause you happiness, instead the lack of light causes lethargy and sadness. The eye drops block your eyes' abilities to be pleased by beautiful colors in your environment. The colors lose their brilliance and become dulled and this also naturally would cause Depression.

Answer? Withdraw from eye drops. Slowly withdraw. Cut back a little at a time so the effect of the withdrawal is not severe. If there is pain, put a cold watered washcloth over your eyes and let the coolness cut back the pain. If you are taking eye drops once per day, cut back and take it every other day. And then not at all. If you are taking eye drops twice a day, cut back and take them only once per day and then take them every other day.

Ask your eye doctor for laser treatment. The laser treatment keeps the eyes from suffering because of too much light, the light going into the eyes lessens and this can begin the cure so you do not need eye drops anymore. The laser treatment can be to one or both eyes. The eye will not be able to absorb an excess of light that is the cause of Glaucoma.

So, can Glaucoma be cured? Yes, indeed. If someone told you it can never be cured, that what you need forever is the eye drops, get a second opinion or just deal with it on your own.

Enjoy your ability to see, to see with healthy eyes, to have a mood of happiness due to synthesizing just enough light to make it happen. To be in a wonderful colorful environment and enjoying it. 

Don't give up. Blindness can be cured before it starts.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Image result for putting others first

How to raise your self-esteem? How to feel good about yourself, to climb Jacob's Ladder and get to the top, and finding out the top is at the bottom, sliding down Jacob's Ladder again. Moses received God's Tablets at the foot of Mount Sinai, not at the top.

Standing in lines? Waiting for a cashier? Elderly and/or disabled go first, no matter when you got into line or when they did. If it is a regular person behind you, not elderly, then you needn't give up your spot. You got there first and you should be waited on first. 

Bus seats? If not a senior citizen or disabled, no need to give it up.

Talking at a meeting? Let all say what they want to say before you. The one to speak last laughs first.

Never interrupt someone unless they are speaking in vile language. Is there a pecking order? Follow it. Are you supposed to go first at all cost? Try to be last and see how it feels! This act will lower your "sitra achra" which is the animal soul we all possess in the left part of our heart. Waiting for someone else to be served meals before yours lowers this sitra achra [wickedness]. Puts you in a position to be last which raises your self esteem, believe it or not! Because the Jewish rule is that Jewish scholars eat last. This lowers the animal soul's natural "wickedness," not to selfishly put yourself first.

Not to claim you are a wonder wo/man or superman that you are better than everyone else and that you must go first. While you are waiting to eat, talk to God. Take this time to pray all the Hebrew blessings of all the foods you will eat, and that others are eating before you. Get in touch with God, salivate, be gracious, be forgiving.

Were you offered a piece of chicken too large for your appetite? Offer the chicken to someone else. Who to offer it to? The stranger, the widowed, the homeless, the orphan, the poor, the motherless, the fatherless, the childless. Then take a smaller piece of chicken for yourself.

How else can we get in touch with God at mealtimes? After we eat, leave a morsel on your plate and this is to go as a gift to God. A piece of food for God as a loving offering, for God to be sated and Him to not go hungry. Offer it to Him with love and generosity in your heart.

How does your self esteem go up when you are going last? Try it. Not to be the arrogant king/queen who claims to be better than everyone else because of their family tree being so-called "royal." To truly love God first and therefore to eat last while others and God eat before you.

Feels good? Seeing others happily sating their appetites? Can you imagine how much better your food will taste knowing the poor, etc. are no longer hungry?

Try it. You'll like it. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Image result for sleeping beauty

Sleeping Beauty fully or half or slightly asleep? Eyes closed or open, how to get her awoken?

What does Sleeping Beauty look like when she is sleeping vs. when she is awake? What is the difference between a state of wakefulness as opposed to a state like death of sleepiness when someone no longer is able to open their eyes.

Is there something or someone she wants to see? Is there enough light in the room to see what she wants to see? Is the person awakening her an adversary, not one of the people she wishes to see?

To awaken her. How to use a kind voice, to even whisper to her so she slowly gently comes out of sleep instead of alerting her loudly when there is no danger! Just for her to wake up to a hot strong cup of coffee with cream or two.

To move the curtains slightly back so the sunlight streams through, but not aggressively, instead gently to show her light to cause joy, happiness, love, brilliance, goldenness, sweetness, liveliness, a reason to open her eyes cheerfully to wink to greet her greeter! To then shut closed the bedroom curtain as if it is a curtain at a theater, no blinding light, not a source of shadow, just a little light showing through and not too much. To be the light attendant in a theater to cause wakefulness or to cause sleep.

To want to sleep and not to want to awake. Your choice, her choice, his choice, the choice of Sleeping Beauty. Does she say yes or no? Does she say hello or good bye. Does she say nothing because she is dreaming soundlessly asleep. Only to waken her if she wants to be awakened and not if she does not.

To bring in a perfume on your body that she adores, to cause this aroma to open her nostrils like smelling salts for a person who has fainted. But as a smell she likes not dislikes. The difference between men's colognes and women's perfumes: what and/or which does she prefer? Is she allergic to one or the other or both or neither? The smell of Brute cologne her Brother wears or English Leather that her Father wore. The scent of Chanel #5 that her Mother wears a little on each wrist. Not the air pollution of cleansing detergents to which she is allergic! This will spring her out of bed, not wanting to breathe in poisons when it should have been let sleeping dogs lie!!

Does Sleeping Beauty awake when her awakener is not a frog, but rather a Royal Prince? Which would she rather kiss? A frog or a Prince? Do you have the warts on your face of a toad? How pure are you and how perfect? Do you have a touch that is gentle and a pair of eyes that are beautiful? Brooding beautiful brown eyes or sparkling ocean blue?

Sleeping Beauty will awaken when she feels like it and not sooner. How many years asleep? Rip Van Winkle slept a hundred years. Sleeping Beauty will sleep as long as she wants to and wake up when her true Prince has come.

Spread out the red carpet and play The Dating Game. There is only one man for her, one God, one True Love. Who will open her eyes?

The most handsome and righteous of all royalty!! Adonai Himself!