Thursday, April 19, 2018


Image result for how to take a compliment

Taking compliments. Did you ever tell someone he is out of line to compliment you, that you are not the greatest, not any different than anyone else, not being great, not good, not great, not even fine?

Not Tony the Tiger, not Wonder woman, not Superman, nor Batman, that you are human and make mistakes. Did somewhere along the line someone tell you that you are arrogant because you accepted a compliment and therefore you are not deserving of praise. Did all you do was be happy with yourself, your achievements, and not sure if showing happiness about yourself is having a lack of humility. Does putting yourself down, not to accept praise, is this a state of being that is healthy??

How many ways can we say "thank you"? If someone likes the blouse you are wearing, a simple invigorated "Thanks!" is all that is necessary. Yes, a big smile in addition to this "thanks!" Your sincerity will be in your tone of voice and her in hers.

If someone likes a blog article you have written and says so, of course, do not delete it, publish it. All these positive comments are coming from people's hearts, they care about you, indifference is the worst insult. If someone challenges you on an achievement you have accomplished, meet their words with your words, accept their well-meaning words even if they do not know how to word their opinions. Let them know that their compliments are appreciated.

How good you feel now, how good you both feel. Are you telling your doctor every time you get a pain and need his medical council? Had surgeries and never want another one? 

Is there someone who tries to give you advice and you do not know if their words are advisable?

If they simply say "I like you" is this a compliment to be accepted? If you in return have told someone you liked them and this was not returned, yes, it can happen again and again; but don't give up!!! There will be someone who will meet your kind words with a heart felt "THANK YOU!"    

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Image result for father loves mother
Are you a kid in the middle? Or a kid the youngest of all? Or the oldest? Older meaning wiser, younger meaning funner, the middle dizzily with a sibling on top and again one on the bottom? Who are you? What is your identity? Are you the mentor to your younger sibling and a learner of an older sibling? Are you in touch with your family of origin at all? Is there someone in it who you love? Is there a parent still alive? Mom or Dad? Both? Neither!

Did you ever confide in a parent and had your privacy honored or not? Did your Mom ever say, "Don't tell your Dad" she trying desperately to keep the peace and to reduce stress for your Father so he did not become overwhelmed! Did you reserve your secrets for your diary? Was there a lock and key on your diary? Did your Sister listen? Did she try to care? Was she your only friend even in a schoolyard of kids your age. Did you ever thank her? Did your older brother fight off your bullies before they could cause you damage? Did you or will you tell him you appreciate all that he is and ever meant to you when you both were kids.

Do or did you have a parental relationship where you were able to see how strongly was your Dad's love for his Wife, your Mom. Did he tell you that as much as possible, to never dishonor your Mother his Wife. Was she happy to have him as her companion, was this obvious as you saw him smile at her and hold her hand? Could you feel this love between them and therefore be able yourself to love others? His Wife as his significant other. Your Father close to her and she being close to you. To have love going back and forth like trout swimming up and downstream in a fish farm. 

This fish being a tasty morsel. Your Dad's love for his Wife as an example for you to show love to everyone else in your life.

Where is God in all this? He is in this love for your Mom by your Dad and she loving him back and also loving you.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Image result for kosher foods

What is the illness and what is the cure? Preventing an illness before it takes hold and not to need to treat it because it disappears. 

But what about the frequency of stomach ailments. What about psychiatric Depression and its treatment and cures. What is a cure for sadness, sadness that comes without a reason. Sadness that absorbs the brain and emotions, not having anything concrete to mourn, but Depression taking hold of you anyway. How to "cheer up". What is the cure, the ingredient, the way we can chase away the Blues. How to know that it is a sky without clouds that was in the air when Aaron died. A cloudy day being a day of desirableness not negativity. Not a cloud in the sky, not being as good as a sky full of clouds. To drink coffee as it acts as an anti-depressant and chases away feelings of woe, turning them into feelings of greatness. To follow the clouds sipping a cappuccino as Gd takes us on a journey, to follow these clouds for forty years as we travel the desert and then come upon "The Promised Land". The Land of Prevention being the cure.

What is the cure? What is the prevention? The Promised Land being both the cure and prevention? Never to have a sickness, always thinking positively.

An ascent up the Ladder of Jacob being a daily cuisine of three meals per day of Kosher food. A slide down a chute of the Candy Land Game, pure candy licorice propelling your rotor to climb up Mount Sinai. There we study the Ten Commandments and then the Six Hundred and Thirteen Commandments and then Maimonides Thirteen Principles and the Six Chapters of The Pirkei Avot, and much more...  

To know what to do because you read The Chumash as your ounce of prevention to find out what to do. Your pound of cure. The wisdom [knowledge] being an apple yes, keeps the doctor away, Why? It is a Kosher food. To eat a pomegranate, yes, it is another Kosher food. The Tree of Knowledge, take a bite, better to know than not to know. Will keep the doctor away, as well as keeping The Devil away. 

What's the Illness? The Illness is committing the transgression of the oppression of the stranger, Levite, orphan, childless, motherless, fatherless, widow, widower... 

How can we cure this? Eat foods that are holy and prescribed in The Torah as Kosher foods. The Torah tells us if we do not eat a Kosher diet we will suffer the consequences. 

What are the consequences according to The Torah? "You will eat your own body and eat the bodies of your children". [Torah] 

Consequences? I would say so!! Don't experiment to find out, take Gd's Word for it. 

Monday, March 12, 2018


Image result for soda candy bars potato chips

What snacks do we love the best? Which treats? Can we live without chocolate? Why do we crave chocolate? Sugars and salts. Can we feel ourselves salivating as we think of them? Can we live without them? Should we live without them? Is there a limit and so we can eat them but under the limit?

High triglycerides from too much sugar, diabetes, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure from too much salt, potato chips, corn chips, Cheetos. How can we curb our appetite and not feel addicted to these carbohydrates. Can we eat just half a bag and give the other half away to someone as a gift? They eating less, only half, and you eating less, only half. Curbing one's appetite to eat only foods that are healthy.

Greens? Not just lettuce, but to eat spinach. Spinach the food of Pop Eye The Sailor Man!! See his muscles on his arms grow as he downs a whole can of spinach in one gulp!

To avoid diabetes. The shot of insulin is made from pork. Avoiding pork? Then avoid sugars so you do not get diabetes. Only one insulin medicine is made from non-pork foods. Most medical insurances do not pay for it. Avoiding gout, avoiding pricking your fingers of blood to determine the sugar level. Not to get your legs cut off. Sugar an enemy? If we eat sugars from fruits, is it the same as eating them from candy bars? Yes. When we eat sugars be sure to eat proteins like cheese at the same time. This companion of cheese to sugars lowers the A1C level.

Tired of eating foods that also decay your teeth? Do you floss everyday? Brush everyday? Not to eat hard foods like almonds that break your teeth in half! Keeping all your teeth including your wisdom teeth. Wiser with wisdom teeth? Richer with a gold covered filling.

To eat foods that your mother told you to eat. To believe in the "family recipe". To be the one in your family who has kept the recipes. Not to eat for enjoyment, but to eat Kosher foods to continue to feel holy. Noticed a difference in your souls between eating Kosher and not eating Kosher. The Torah is our source of being a recipe book. Ask Gd what it is that you should eat.

Passover is our next holy day. To eat matzos and bitter herbs. Foods that are Kosher and holy are not necessarily tasty. Feel your tummy filling up no matter which foods you eat. Kosher foods that relieve us of guilt as we pray to Gd for forgiveness of our transgressions.

To remember on Passover that we were once slaves to the Egyptians and to make sure that we will never be slaves again.

Monday, March 5, 2018


Image result for teachers carry guns

Children getting Dad's gun, school shootings, point, aim, fire!!! Schools becoming dangerous places for kid's to learn. Illegal drugs passed out, illegal guns too, security guards not enough, needing police in every classroom. Kid's in art class, passing around airplane glue, sniff, snuff, an incredible "high", aggressive behavior after sniffing.

Are pepper guns enough? Do we need every teacher to carry a gun? Or could this be a pepper gun? Is a pepper gun suitable ammunition against a machine gun brought to school by a kid, a kid who did not eat breakfast, did not eat lunch, and had no food yesterday? No foods provided at the school cafeterias, parents unemployed, no food at home, kids have nothing except this glorification of becoming a school shooter. His name down in History, even if he failed his History class, he knows if he kills someone it will make big news.

What kind of news is this? And where does this news come from? Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, bows and arrows, The Wild Wild West. Cops and robbers. Cowboys on horses, pulling carriages, guns, guns and more guns. Fists slamming on the bad guy, finishing him off with a knife. Wonder Woman using a rope, hanging him over a cliff, rope breaks, he falls to his death!

Will teacher school gun owners make mistakes? Will someone's rope break? Will kids be killed by the guns of teachers who made the wrong decision to shoot him? What will be their excuses? Can we excuse teachers who shoot kids without a good reason?

Just before the Holocaust started in Germany the guns of civilians were banned. All the guns confiscated except those of the Nazi military. How did six million die? No ammunition, no guns to fight back. So, is banning all guns of all people the answer? No, it was tried before and it was a catastrophe!

Teaching kids and teachers the Martial Arts: Karate, American Self-Defense, Judo, simple leg kicks that could break someone's bones. No guns involved, but justice accomplished, murderers stopped, no one gets killed, not needing to use a gun, your body becomes the gun.

Should school teachers carry guns? There are alternatives.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Image result for welcoming body language

How can we show someone body language that is welcoming and not controversial? Want to throw a party and welcome people, and be sincere to let them know you want to invite them and for them to be with you and your other partyers?

What not to do with your body that would turn them off? Specifically, any talking with one's hands and arms, is considered negative. The Zohar, a Jewish Holy book says that we should never talk to someone with the waving of our hands and arms. The Zohar says that Gd will cast upon you one hundred curses for this hand-talking. Especially not to converse with the moving of the left hand. Not to wave or flick or bounce your fingers or your hands. Not to cause others distress as you shake your hands at them. Not to reflect this back, to keep your hands on the hand-rests of your chair, not to battle back and forth with the hands being as weapons.

Positive body language? What can we do? Keep our hands still with palms facing upwards. This causes sincerity and welcomes the other person, shows compassion, and you in this stance can speak with empathy, to be welcoming to him.

Not to cross your legs or arms as you talk to people, to keep your arms and legs still. Not to wave your feet back and forth. To keep your legs still one next to the other, knees forward, feet directed towards your friends' feet.

Not to put your hands and arms on your hips. This looks threatening and scary, as if you want to argue and act controversial. Not to cross your arms across your chest.

Facial countenance? Always try to be truthfully cheerful. Give them a twinkling eye, a mouth with upwards turned lips, a smile, a feeling of laughter in the tone of your voice. Show and sound like you care about them if this is truly the case.

If they want to lead in the ways you both converse, mimic their body movements to show them you are following them and like what they are saying to you, if indeed you do. If not, let them know verbally. Tell them "no" if you mean NO, and also you can say "No Thank You!" which politely implies you do not agree and you do not follow them. How many ways can we say "No"? Try seventy. Look them in the eyes, and keep their gaze, to look into a Tiger's eyes and to stare him down into submission. He then will avert his eyes and you will have won the battle.

To welcome someone, do the opposite. Always keep a warmth in your character. To be gentle and nice, good and fine. To show your friend s/he is always welcome in your house, anytime, every time, your home being his/her home too.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Image result for blindness

Glaucoma. What generically is Glaucoma and how can we cure it?

Glaucoma is a state of blindness where light that enters into the eye at too great a rate so the eye cannot process this light and this burns out the eye and the eye cannot see as well as a healthy eye that is protected from an excess of light.

Sunglasses? Do not work to cure the disorder. If your sunglasses are gradient from top to bottom to act as a shield from the light they still will not cure Glaucoma and may even aggravate it.

Close your house curtains? Yes, close them partially and look out the window of northern light not southern. The light from the south is too heavy and hurts the eyes, whether you have Glaucoma or not.

Eye drops to cure Glaucoma? The eye drops block out light but this causes Depression. It becomes the same condition as having Seasonal Affective Disorder, when you do not get sufficient light to cause you happiness, instead the lack of light causes lethargy and sadness. The eye drops block your eyes' abilities to be pleased by beautiful colors in your environment. The colors lose their brilliance and become dulled and this also naturally would cause Depression.

Answer? Withdraw from eye drops. Slowly withdraw. Cut back a little at a time so the effect of the withdrawal is not severe. If there is pain, put a cold watered washcloth over your eyes and let the coolness cut back the pain. If you are taking eye drops once per day, cut back and take it every other day. And then not at all. If you are taking eye drops twice a day, cut back and take them only once per day and then take them every other day.

Ask your eye doctor for laser treatment. The laser treatment keeps the eyes from suffering because of too much light, the light going into the eyes lessens and this can begin the cure so you do not need eye drops anymore. The laser treatment can be to one or both eyes. The eye will not be able to absorb an excess of light that is the cause of Glaucoma.

So, can Glaucoma be cured? Yes, indeed. If someone told you it can never be cured, that what you need forever is the eye drops, get a second opinion or just deal with it on your own.

Enjoy your ability to see, to see with healthy eyes, to have a mood of happiness due to synthesizing just enough light to make it happen. To be in a wonderful colorful environment and enjoying it. 

Don't give up. Blindness can be cured before it starts.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Image result for putting others first

How to raise your self-esteem? How to feel good about yourself, to climb Jacob's Ladder and get to the top, and finding out the top is at the bottom, sliding down Jacob's Ladder again. Moses received God's Tablets at the foot of Mount Sinai, not at the top.

Standing in lines? Waiting for a cashier? Elderly and/or disabled go first, no matter when you got into line or when they did. If it is a regular person behind you, not elderly, then you needn't give up your spot. You got there first and you should be waited on first. 

Bus seats? If not a senior citizen or disabled, no need to give it up.

Talking at a meeting? Let all say what they want to say before you. The one to speak last laughs first.

Never interrupt someone unless they are speaking in vile language. Is there a pecking order? Follow it. Are you supposed to go first at all cost? Try to be last and see how it feels! This act will lower your "sitra achra" which is the animal soul we all possess in the left part of our heart. Waiting for someone else to be served meals before yours lowers this sitra achra [wickedness]. Puts you in a position to be last which raises your self esteem, believe it or not! Because the Jewish rule is that Jewish scholars eat last. This lowers the animal soul's natural "wickedness," not to selfishly put yourself first.

Not to claim you are a wonder wo/man or superman that you are better than everyone else and that you must go first. While you are waiting to eat, talk to God. Take this time to pray all the Hebrew blessings of all the foods you will eat, and that others are eating before you. Get in touch with God, salivate, be gracious, be forgiving.

Were you offered a piece of chicken too large for your appetite? Offer the chicken to someone else. Who to offer it to? The stranger, the widowed, the homeless, the orphan, the poor, the motherless, the fatherless, the childless. Then take a smaller piece of chicken for yourself.

How else can we get in touch with God at mealtimes? After we eat, leave a morsel on your plate and this is to go as a gift to God. A piece of food for God as a loving offering, for God to be sated and Him to not go hungry. Offer it to Him with love and generosity in your heart.

How does your self esteem go up when you are going last? Try it. Not to be the arrogant king/queen who claims to be better than everyone else because of their family tree being so-called "royal." To truly love God first and therefore to eat last while others and God eat before you.

Feels good? Seeing others happily sating their appetites? Can you imagine how much better your food will taste knowing the poor, etc. are no longer hungry?

Try it. You'll like it. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Image result for sleeping beauty

Sleeping Beauty fully or half or slightly asleep? Eyes closed or open, how to get her awoken?

What does Sleeping Beauty look like when she is sleeping vs. when she is awake? What is the difference between a state of wakefulness as opposed to a state like death of sleepiness when someone no longer is able to open their eyes.

Is there something or someone she wants to see? Is there enough light in the room to see what she wants to see? Is the person awakening her an adversary, not one of the people she wishes to see?

To awaken her. How to use a kind voice, to even whisper to her so she slowly gently comes out of sleep instead of alerting her loudly when there is no danger! Just for her to wake up to a hot strong cup of coffee with cream or two.

To move the curtains slightly back so the sunlight streams through, but not aggressively, instead gently to show her light to cause joy, happiness, love, brilliance, goldenness, sweetness, liveliness, a reason to open her eyes cheerfully to wink to greet her greeter! To then shut closed the bedroom curtain as if it is a curtain at a theater, no blinding light, not a source of shadow, just a little light showing through and not too much. To be the light attendant in a theater to cause wakefulness or to cause sleep.

To want to sleep and not to want to awake. Your choice, her choice, his choice, the choice of Sleeping Beauty. Does she say yes or no? Does she say hello or good bye. Does she say nothing because she is dreaming soundlessly asleep. Only to waken her if she wants to be awakened and not if she does not.

To bring in a perfume on your body that she adores, to cause this aroma to open her nostrils like smelling salts for a person who has fainted. But as a smell she likes not dislikes. The difference between men's colognes and women's perfumes: what and/or which does she prefer? Is she allergic to one or the other or both or neither? The smell of Brute cologne her Brother wears or English Leather that her Father wore. The scent of Chanel #5 that her Mother wears a little on each wrist. Not the air pollution of cleansing detergents to which she is allergic! This will spring her out of bed, not wanting to breathe in poisons when it should have been let sleeping dogs lie!!

Does Sleeping Beauty awake when her awakener is not a frog, but rather a Royal Prince? Which would she rather kiss? A frog or a Prince? Do you have the warts on your face of a toad? How pure are you and how perfect? Do you have a touch that is gentle and a pair of eyes that are beautiful? Brooding beautiful brown eyes or sparkling ocean blue?

Sleeping Beauty will awaken when she feels like it and not sooner. How many years asleep? Rip Van Winkle slept a hundred years. Sleeping Beauty will sleep as long as she wants to and wake up when her true Prince has come.

Spread out the red carpet and play The Dating Game. There is only one man for her, one God, one True Love. Who will open her eyes?

The most handsome and righteous of all royalty!! Adonai Himself!

Sunday, January 28, 2018


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Sugar, real sugar cane, sweetness from fruits as fructose or sugar as sucrose. What we thirst for, the carbohydrate that tickles our fancy, the sweetness that hangs over but not as headache, a sweetness of love, of real good loveable sugar, white sugar or/and brown sugar. What we crave, chunky chocolates, dark or semi, milk chocolates, imported chocolates. Rum filled chocolates. Salivation as sure as Pavlo's dog, the dog who was taught to salivate at the sound of a bell.

How unhealthy all this is you may say!! Yes, when you isolate sugar and eat it without a protein it is very dangerous. What must we do to nullify the side effects of sugar, effects like Diabetes, a high Triglyceride level. To be able to eat sugar and to not make sugar an enemy, but instead to make it your friend we must eat proteins with the sugar, proteins like nuts or dairy or meat.

If we eat apple slices, at the same time we must eat cheese. Cheese or another meat will provide us with the protein that will nullify the bad effects of sugar, but still raise your Triglyceride levels to a healthy level, so not to feel jittery or shaky caused by a lack of sugar in the body.

Ice cream is a healthy food all around, it has sugar but is accompanied  by milk products which are proteins. Take it light on the chocolate syrup and caramel or strawberry syrup so not to get too much sugar.

Beans are another good source of protein.

In the morning we can eat an egg which is a protein and eat it with sugared juices or oatmeal which is also a carbohydrate. If you fear the cholesterol in an egg eat just the whites and not the yolk.

If we eat chocolate bars, and they are accompanied with nuts for protein, then this is healthy. Bars like Pay Day, Snickers, Baby Ruth, or peanut M&Ms, or any other chocolate bar that combines proteins of nuts with sugar. The nuts take down the sugar level but still you get enough sugar for a good taste and a boost of your metabolism.

You can quit chocolate altogether and just eat fruit for its sugar, but with the fruit eat simultaneously a piece of cheese or a glass of milk, or cottage cheese, or other protein.

Yes, we can make sugar our best friend but we must allow sugar to have a companion in a protein we also eat next to it.

Love the taste of sugar? I do too! I actually do not know anyone anywhere who does not crave the taste of sugar. Now we know how to eat it and not to cause harm to our bodies.

Thank God!!

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Image result for religion vs science

What is science, what is religion. What is the difference, are some religions more scientific than others? Is science all there is and religion has disappeared at the closure of the tidal waves of the Sea of Reeds? Is that as far as it went, unbelievable after that?

To have a son who is a sun, to have a Sunday to worship a Son, not to circumcise a Son, why? It is painful and medically risky says your Jewish doctor. Waiting till 6 months after his birth, not following Halakah, Jewish rules of an 8th day brit milah. Science, medical science, disapproves of this brit milah, the infants life being at risk. Even Rabbis postponing circumcision of  their own sons.

Sunny or sonny weather preferred over the darkness of cloudy, windy, London moors weather, umbrellas to keep us dry in a rainstorm. What is a rainstorm? How does it happen? Does God cause rainstorms? If lightening hits your enemy on his golf course, we say of course there is God! And of course He could have a son! And a son is a sun, not a rainy day but we do not go thirsty sucking blood.

Temperatures measured carefully, stones the size of yellow bricks placed in a pyramid one on top of the other, Moses kills an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave, his family, an Israelite, banned and excommunicated to become the leader of the Jewish Hebrew people, slaves no more.

Learning to eat locusts in time of a famine when there are no green crops, just the rhythm and melodic sound of locusts as they climb trees, crickets strumming playing violins on their backs.

People not judged by the quantity of their wealth, but instead by the quality of their deeds of lovingkindness. St. Peter at the gateway of Purgatory, will he let you in? Where will you end up? Having followed at least ten Commandments? Have you prayed for the forgiveness of your sinful transgressions? Are you forgiven? Who needs to forgive you? Your victim of course and God Himself. Can you forgive yourself? Living instead with guilt so severe it keeps you awake at night??

What is science and what is religion? Are they separate? Can one exist without the other? Which one to be existent and which one not?

Darwin? Yes, and Black Holes? Yes. Electrons, Neutrons and Protons. Rings around Saturn. Mars the God of War? Venus the Goddess of Love? Astrology or Witchcraft? Superstition. The day you were born or the day you died? Gasoline filled car vehicles or solar sun-run cars needing no gas. Solar ovens not electric to heat up muffins and cook your food. Cooking without a flame? Kosher cooking on Shabbat under sunlight, no prohibition, the death of "cholent" the Kiddush Shabbat meal no more?

Follow in the footsteps of Jungian psychology and forget and forgive Freudian psychology, as old as an old oak tree, a tree to be cut down, not an Evergreen that stays green forever.

Christmas and Chanukah? Merged? Using an Evergreen Christmas Tree as also a Chanukah Bush? Not debatable, an Evergreen is ever green, forever green. And the seas are Green. Jealousy is green, teeth that are not brushed every night turn green. Mold is green. Emeralds are green. Green is good and green is bad. If it is your favorite color, that is your human right and we will not take this away from you.

Women have rights and we will continue to protest for our rights as we march in the streets and go to court for divorces. Single women, divorced women, widowed women, all dancing to the opera The Merry Widow, women who are independent. Women with advanced university degrees in fields of science.

But what is your religion?? We can say, we don't discuss religion or politics. Why? How many Holocausts will there be? Do we know the one past is the last of them? You are not angry, you are just hungry? ? Taxations for the benefit of the poor being decreased? Lots of angry and hungry? When will you ever learn. Ten percent shared with the poor, but just in the vineyard of grapes fallen off the vine? To must become a Ruth who sleeps at the feet of her husband to go to work everyday to bring money to her mother-in-law and to give her a son? When she is bitter and does not want you in the first place? She tells you to go back to your Mother?

Sounds reasonable to me. Women with their mothers and with the love of their children, as Single Moms or not.

The Religion of Science. Or Science without religion? All phony baloney?   

Sunday, January 7, 2018


Image result for heart attack

Ever had a chest pain and you did not know if it was serious or not? Wondered if it was a heart attack or just a pulled muscle in the chest area?

If a muscle pulls in the chest area, and it is a sharp pain, not a dull ache, it probably is not a heart attack. What to do anyway just in case, to make positively sure that if it could indeed be a heart attack, you must swallow aspirin immediately. If you have baby aspirin take two.

What else could it be if you have pains in the chest? Maybe not to be a heart attack, because real heart attacks cause pain in the shoulders, upper back and down the arms.

It could be reflux, heartburn, in which case you could take meds for it, so it does not shoot pains into your esophagus and cause you to vomit.

Chest pains can be caused by stress, anxiety, and not be heart related, but instead be caused by excessive worry. In this case, calm down, get rest immediately.

Should you go to the ER every time you get a chest pain? When you feel the pain in your arms and shoulders, go immediately to the ER.

If you are driving and get chest pains, pull over to the side of the road and stop driving. Wait for the pains to subside and then drive home, go straight to bed, and sleep it off.

Eat right and exercise is what the doctors say is the cure for heart disease. Lower healthy blood pressure on a low salt diet, healthy cholesterol level with less meat. Daily walks. Not to need to run at an older age, walking in fresh air instead and eating plenty of greens.

Change your fate. Take a potential heart attack and cure it, cures of love to ease your heart, love for everyone, love even for those who are your adversaries, for as says in The Psalms, "They will soon wither away like yellow grass and disappear".