His name they said was Jesus. His father Joseph refused to name him Emanuel even though the prophecy was that the true Messiah would be born with the name Emanuel.
Then we find out that this man who was to be called a god was born out of an adulterous relationship between Mary his mother and Tobias a Roman soldier. And even if this is something we want to deny, not to believe, not to cast ill feelings upon him or his parentage, but then they said his father was God, and that he was born the son of God.
We are all children of God, Jesus was not the only one born having this relationship as a "son" of God. The teachings of Jesus are to disobey the teachings of the true Father, the true God, so what kind of a son is this! A son who disobeys his father Adonai and this is why he is revered?
Can we as Jews forgive Jesus so we do not carry a grudge with us as heavy as a backpack of books?
The Muslims whose prophet Mohammed is revered because he killed eight hundred Jews in one swipe! And the Muslims love Jesus as well, and revere him as their prophet too. How can killings of Jews or anyone for that matter, be approved in either religion! Are the Jews the only people who believe in "We Shall Not Murder"?
Yes, we are to respect others' religions but that does not mean we can approve of these religions that propagate murder. Can we as Jews defend ourselves and fight back if someone tries to kill us, and say they are killing us in the name of the Quran? Or in the name of Jesus? Can we forgive Jesus, and Mohammed for that matter, for living a life to disobey justice, to kill?
Can we stay united in our Judaism with other Jews and not sway back and forth like a broken palm branch to and fro between this cult and that cult?
Jonestown murders? Juices that were poisoned and wiped out everyone, everyone killed at a party saying it was done in the name of their religion!
Don't ever let anyone take away your music. If you are a Jew, stay a Jew, and always find your way back into Judaism no matter how enticing what someone else has, to instead be who you want to be. Do you know what you want?
My Father Emanuel Ginsburg told me "Jews do not believe in Jesus." And that is that, there is no more. End of story.
Call upon Avraham and Sarah, our true parents, love Leah and Rachel, adore Jacob and Isaac. Sing to Rivkah. Worship Adonai and only Adonai.
Never forget this song, kiss it in your memory as you eat and thank God for your food and for everything he has ever given you.
Love Adonai, and keep the peace. Can we forgive those who dishonor Him? This is not a requirement.
Psalms 37 and 38 tell us those who dishonor Adonai will wither like yellow grass and disappear from our existence and we will be done with their wickedness.
Leave it all in God's Hands. Love those who love you and protect them, love your family even if they cannot feel true love, love and peace to all, who is "all" this is you and me, and anyone who wishes to feel true love, love of humans for humans, love of a true God, a God who created the Universe, a God to be loved and respected. The God, not "a" God, there is only One God and we are all His children, we are all the sons and daughters of God.
Amein, in the Name of Adonai. Period. Selah.
Reasons to be glorious on Hanukkah, how to connect with The One True Almighty God, our Father of Avraham and Sarah, our Creator of all things, our electric energy to our Lord, the reasons for us to stay alive, the Lord, the reason for us to be, to be or not to be, if we can be with Him, we are and will continue to be the best we can be.
Look NOW! Where is God? God is not where there is blood in meat. We know this as our Torah tells us this, to have eaten Kosher for lunch? God was in our food! Our body cells are pure, our blood is clean. No, we are not what is in our dumpsters out back of our houses, we ask God to keep us clean. Do you mean all we need to do is keep our hands clean and our diet Kosher? We need to ask God to help us with these tasks, it is when He does, that we are then connected with Him.
Just say "Dear God..."
Judaism on Sundays? What did God give us Sundays to do? A Sunday, the first day of our week, a day to study. What can we study?
Print out daily lessons from Chabad.org and read them. Which lessons are the best to read?
Chumash with Rashi, Tehellim, Daily Tanya, Daily Mitzvah, and Hayom Yom.
You can never read too much or study too much. If your eyes get tired, rest them. Turn down the brightness of the lamps. Actually, in the Orthodox Talmud, the Talmud tells us not to never study by lamplight, not at night, when we need lamps. So, not to study after sunset.
To study on a satiated stomach after eating, about an hour after eating, when your stomach is done churning your meal. To be sure to eat meat, at least once a day, or fish, and to have this protein in your digestive system, to study upon good sustenance. If you are hungry you will not be able to comprehend the context of the holy Words of The Torah. Meat? Yes, but only Kosher meat. That means meat without blood, meat that was blessed upon its slaughter. Never to mix meat with milk. The Torah commands this, not for a kid (goat) to be eaten in its Mother's breast milk.
So, now you are set up. You know what to study and what to eat, when to eat, why to eat, why to study, why to eat and study during the day and not at night.
Have a ball studying what turns you from a wolf into a lamb. Being a lion who rests in a meadow of the greenest of gardens, the Garden of Eden, laying down next to and with the soft sweetness of a beautiful lamb.
Tinsel on trees and lighted evergreen branches, gifts galore under this tree? Are you Jewish and asked to participate in this gift giving? Are there items you receive as gifts that are rituals of other religions as Christian Christmas gifts to you? Can we turn down these gifts? Should we make a simitz (a big deal) about this and call it disrespect? Each year, year after year, you receive Christmas gifts, so what to do? We need to work with those people who do not understand The Laws of Judaism, that Jews do not celebrate Christmas, instead we celebrate Hanukkah.
So, we can indeed keep these gifts if you want the neutral ones, and see them as Hanukkah gifts, not to observe them as Christmas gifts. You cannot yell and scream and jump up and down because the gift giver each year uses Christmas time as a time to proselyte Christianity to you when you are a committed religious Jew. Each year take it as another year to heal from disrespect and to realize the gift giver is in darkness, cause as much as you try to work with him/her the same occurrence happens, and what can we do?
Ask our Holy God to see us through another winter season, a time to be warm and well fed. To be in prayers for those who do not have a relationship with Adonai our true God. They instead worship the rebel Jesus when what they have is a choice not to worship him but to love the true God, the same God of Jesus, our Father Hashem. To try to understand they come from a lack of the knowledge base that teaches people true lovingkindness.
Can we give a gift back in this situation? Jacob the Torah Prophet did, he met his brother Esau's armies with loads of beautiful gifts!! He is our example to follow.
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza!
Are you walking on a tightrope with high heel shoes? First and foremost, take off the shoes and wear gym shoes instead. Balancing back and forth, a dizziness as we float in a canoe paddling to and fro, a canoe that we hope will not sink, a rod in one's hands as a balancing beam.
Above deep water waves rolling over your body, sound waves, light waves, electronic waves, cyberspace shooting through one's body tilting you as you walk.
A powder in one's drink that follows you everywhere, walking slowly through ice and snow, knowing there is a rainbow at the end of every thunderstorm, if not, you can create one with your imagination as did Albert Einstein.
Vertigo? Is anyone responsible for the ups and downs? As we travel up, we are as high as Mount Sinai, as we then come down, we are at the bottom of an ocean where we can look for sunken treasure.
Do you want to tell someone you are dizzy? Vertigo going through one ear and out the other? Wondering why and what you did wrong to get this dizziness. Have you ever heard of "Dizzy Lizzy"?
A member of a family whose inherited roots are from the Eastern European country of Czeskia. The National Sport of Czeskia being Gymnastics. Each step you take as sure as a professional gymnast, a ballerina, follow your intuition and each step will get easier one after the other, the tightrope stiff and sure as you get where you want to go.
Almost as fun as drinking a beer? Not when you are driving a car! Smelling salts? Good idea, smear a potent perfumed lotion under your nostrils, and you not only will be smelling good, your dizziness will be curbed. Remember the old cowboy movies with the dame who is whoozy and about to faint? A cowboy catches her in his arms and applies the salts and she awakes as a Sleeping Beauty no more.
Jumping up and down as like on a trampoline, wind swishing through your ears, your eardrums' cochlea is stable-footed as is your family inherited gymnastics balancing acts.
Being at a circus to see the bearded ladies, flying out of a helicopter in a parachute, each day after day a struggle to overcome obstacles. A tiger jumping through a hoop, a pirate's parrot on your shoulder singing your favorite songs.
Using this struggle to firm up your muscles and to accomplish what you thought was impossible, but that has instead become manageable as you fight an enemy who you cannot see or hear or touch or smell.
A powder you swallow like Kool-Aid sweet grape drinking powder. Wondering if you cannot function while sniffing Kool-Aid?
You actually have become the star performer at the National Olympics!!

Now how does this work? An eye for an eye? There are people in businesses who will sell you a faulty product, do you stab the salesman in the eye as revenge to get back at him and his unethical consumer's product? If a doctor gives you the disease of Glaucoma, his choice for you, do you get him back an eye for an eye? There are people who have jobs and the jobs require that you as their employee hurt someone if it brings them money. They pretend the product is flawless, and this is what they do day after day, going to work, to a job, and hurting people again and again. Is it their fault? Or the fault of their employer, or his employer? How can we realize that these people in these unethical jobs need our prayers more than the people they hurt. The people they hurt are immediately protected by God, G-d, our Lord, L-rd, and the offender is not. These people pull in paychecks and are told their jobs are very dangerous because the people they are told to hurt will get revenge. An eye for an eye. The fault lies not with these robots, their incitement of people to fight back and return hatred for hatred, could conquer a giant like Goliath. The haters being Goliath and the good as our ancestors David.
So what will we do? The eye for the eye has already been accomplished, now we wait for our supper/dinner and eat in plenty with a nourishing restful nap after we eat. The ones who are hurt are the ones who will survive, and the Goliaths will fall, as we as our Great Grandfather fell them, a cigar after a cigar, you being addicted to nothing, them waiting for two weeks for another paycheck and finding there is no more employment, to stand on the unemployment lines, to sleep instead on the beach.
While you are peacefully going from one meal to the next.